0120 James A Robertson and Associates -- Strategic Business Solutions Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:47 AM In order to ensure the independence of End Time Issue Ministries Father has led me to retain my Management Consulting business, James A Robertson and Associates
In order to ensure the independence of End Time Issue Ministries Father has led me to retain my Management Consulting business, James A Robertson and Associates.
This business is what sustains me and enables me to operate the ministry free of the influence of external funders and donors.
Father has given me considerable guidance in the various fields of endeavour of the business and I am able to offer the following key services:
Highly structured strategic analysis and design leading to a highly structured action orientated strategic plan
Executive level "Pulse Measurement" investigation into under-performing or non-performing ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and other business information technology systems – document attached
Executive level briefing with regard to "Why your ERP is not delivering and how to fix it" and other Executive Briefings – document attached
Forty five minute executive presentation on "Why your ERP is not delivering and how to fix it" and other talks – document attached
Training courses with regard to the effective application of Information Technology in business – document attached
High level strategic project leadership – document attached
Taxonomy and other ERP configuration and data classification services. We are in the process of developing software which will position us as world leaders in the field of precision configuration of ERP systems
I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how I might be able to assist you in the business sphere
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