2010.12.07 Will you fast with me on the sun gods birthday? Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:47 AM
An appeal to observe a three day fast over 25 December every year as a statement of committment to Yah and opposition to pagan lies in the body of believers
Will you fast with me on the sun gods birthday?
"How would YOU like it if your family ignored your birthday and celebrated your birthday on the birthday of your worst enemy?"
A while ago I posted an article on the true birthday of Yahooshua and the fact that Christmas is a pagan feast that honours the Sun god and mentioned the quote above of what Father Yah said to me on Christmas day ten years ago when I was disobedient and observed Christmas after I knew what I shared with you.
I also mentioned that Daddy Yah (Abba Yah) had prompted me to go on a series of seven three day fasts at weekly intervals culimating with Christmas 2010 -- at the time He told me to start i did not realize the seven weeks would exactly cover the Christmas weekend.
I now feel impressed to ask you to join me in showing your allegiance to the Almighty Creator and to Yahooshua by refusing to participate in any form of merrymaking over Christmas.
Please will you consider:
1. Not wishing anyone Merry Christmas or similar -- you do NOT have to be glum, just acknowledge that they have greeted you, smile back, say "be blessed" or similar.
2. Refrain from any gift giving -- if you must give gifts rather do so a few days before and wrap them in plain paper -- might be a challenge to explain this but i believe we need to bite this bullet -- i have to warn you that most people do NOT understand and are NOT interested in the explanation.
3. NO tree (Asherah) and no decorations -- all pagan and therefore demonic -- also not well received.
4. Treat Christmas day as a working day.
5. Fast from about 18h00 on the 24th of December to 18h00 on the 25th of December -- total fast, no food or liquid, humble yourself and pray or work -- dedicate the fast to serving Yah and to opposing the pagan rites that are being practiced all around you -- pray for the truth to be known.
6. Fast from about 18h00 on the 23rd of December (Thursday) to 18h00 on the 26th of December -- total (Esther) fast, no food or liquid -- this is a powerful fast which is reputed to break witchcraft in your life or the life of anyone who you focus on in prayer during the fast -- if you are unable to fast liquids, for example if you are on medication, then take the covenant meal (bread and grape juice) in moderation two or three times a day as your conscience leads you.
Pray for the truth to be made known, for the courage to stand by what you believe, to draw closer to Yah, etc -- as He leads you.
Please will you forward this to as many people as possible as an act of love towards our loving heavenly Father.

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