2000.09.02 Part 7: Conclusion: Marriage Teachings Created by on 11/2/2014 7:35:11 AM Closure of the series of teachings with regard to marriage made in 2000 in association with a period of prayer and fasting after seeking Yah for guidance with regard to marriage from 1995
Part 7: Conclusion: Marriage Teachings
James Robertson
Closure of the series of teachings with regard to marriage made in 2000 in association with a period of prayer and fasting after seeking Yah for guidance with regard to marriage from 1995
These audio recordings were recorded in 2000 during a period of intense seeking after the Almighty associated with a program of three day fasts at ten day intervals that eventually ran to 8 fasts during which I started to receive considerable revelation with regard to the true names and many other topics
I started out planning a very limited set of recordings and Father continuously revealed new truths to me and new material and the final suite of recordings is around 96 teachings of between one and one and a half hours each, mostly my own work, some from other sources
As a consequence, the usage of names, etc changes during the period of recording
Subsequently I have received much greater revelation on diverse topics including the reality that Yahooshua {Jesus} was a prophet and man and NOT the Almighty in the flesh although it was the Spirit of the Almighty ON Yahooshua that enabled Yahooshua to perform miracles and speak for the Almighty, just as the Spirit of the Almighty on an anointed believer today may enable similar deeds
It is therefore important to understand that there is material here that attributes things to Jesus that belong to the Almighty Creator -- this error is widespread -- please see the section on Yahooshua
Accordingly, as with all material on this site I caution that because I am constantly learning the older material DOES contain errors, Father Yah consistently says to me that this is NOT an issue and I am NOT to get caught up in going back and "correcting" previous writings and recordings. He says that it is up to YOU to seek truth and filter out error and there is much material on this website to enable you to do that
Even though these articles are now 14 years old at time of writing Father has stressed to me that there is MUCH of value in them and He has pressed me to load them onto the website -- on this basis I commend these teachings to you if you are serious about achieving Heaven on Earth in your marriage
Important Note -- Teachings from other Ministries
It is important to stress that the material from other Ministries cited in these teachings is included because Father expressly instructed me to include them, their inclusion does NOT constitute an overall endorsement of those other ministries by myself NOR does it constitute any form of endorsement from them
Their material, to the extent that it was given to them by the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing is His material to distribute as He sees fit

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