2013.11.01 Arguing about Shaul is Futile Created by James on 11/9/2013 5:53:01 AM I was asked to comment on an article attacking Shaul {Paul} and labeling him a heretic
The response is relevant to all such debates in which believers start attacking other believers on the basis of the bible
The document that I am responding to also shows a lack of fear with regard to what will happen on the Day of Judgment should it be found that Shaul was, indeed, close to Yah
Arguing about Shaul is Futile
James Robertson
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I have been sent an article debating the legitimacy of Shaul {Paul} as an Emissary {Apostle} and asked to comment.
I skimmed the document, a 47 page pdf attacking Shaul and citing all sorts of human authorities to back up the attack.
Following is my response which is relevant to ANY debate that degenerates into this sort of destructive attack based on the bible.
I have skimmed the document
My comprehensive response to ANY argument based on the bible is presented at http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/TheBible.aspx
Father says that less than 2% of the bible is inspired
That the bible is massively incomplete
That the bible contains errors
That He “hates” the bible because men worship the book instead of seeking close relationship with Him
That the bible is the “greatest idol on the planet today”
Therefore, any argument such as is contained in this document is entirely futile and a waste of energy and effort
Shaul {Paul} WAS converted dramatically
He WAS taught by Yah in the wilderness
He DID have a deep knowledge of Yahoodite teaching and “Torah” and therefore what he taught deserves consideration
Note that Shaul DOES occupy a high throne in heaven – see http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Eternity.aspx
so it is NOT wise to attack him, whatever error he may have had
That said, what is contained in the bible are minute fragments of the total life and writings of Shaul, Yahooshua, Moshe, etc, etc
Arguing about the content of those fragments, compiled from fragments of manuscript is NOT wise
The BEST we can say of the bible is that it provides some guidance for beginners – for children – this document is a squabble between children
Those who claim to be ADULTS in the faith should NOT be engaging in this sort of debate
Citing the opinions of other men, as is done here manifestly evidences that the writer does NOT have a close relationship with Yah or else he is NOT listening to Yah at all
Note that what is recorded about Yahooshua is also fragmentary and contains error
Note that Luke was NOT an eye-witness and Luke and Acts both contain MAJOR errors
Remember also that ALL the English translations and related translations that draw heavily on the English were translated through the lens of Christianity and are therefore MASSIVELY distorted
What matters is for people to turn to Yah, develop a close relationship with Yah and LEARN FROM YAH
Yahooshua said “call NO MAN teacher (Rabbi)” and “the set-apart Spirit (of Yah) is your teacher”
May the Almighty Creator bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.

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