2011.02.07 Leviticus and Grace Created by on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM
There is major lack of understanding regarding Grace and Law
Leviticus and Grace
James Robertson
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Over the last few days I have been listening to Leviticus and been struck by how deeply this speaks to the question of Grace. If you have not read Leviticus recently I encourage you to do so.
In terms of the Covenant given through Moshe {Moses} at Mount Sinai there were a large number of animal sacrifices laid down for all sorts of things including sin offerings, trespass offerings, atonement for the people, consecration, thanks for healing, etc, etc.
All of these sacrifices required the offering of an animal, ox, sheep, goat, lamb, kid or bird -- you had to have the animal AND the wherewithal to bring it to the Tabernacle or Temple. Difficult if you were living in South Africa and the Temple was in Jerusalem.
All of these ALSO required a set apart {sanctified} Levitical Priest, a son of Aaron. A big problem today.
Yahooshua, in becoming the Lamb of Yah, provided a means to bring an offering of bread and wine any time it was required to deal with the consequences of sin, setting apart {sanctification}, atonement, etc AND he provided a Priest who was always set apart {sanctified} – i.e. himself and who was available wherever we find ourselves.
This is enormous GRACE for which we should be truly grateful.
NONE of this means we can be casual about the Sabbath or any of the other ordinances of Yah.
On the contrary, because it is so much easier, we should be that much MORE diligent to observe them.
I hope that the above gives you more insight into Grace.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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