2011.01.19 Did YOU bring JOY to your Daddy today? Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM
Did you bring JOY to Daddy Yah today -- or were you too preoccupied with your own STUFF?
Did YOU bring JOY to your Daddy today?
James Robertson
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I was praying this morning and asked our Daddy in Heaven to help me to bring Him JOY today.
I think i may have prayed this a few times recently but it has NOT been a focus of my prayer life or my life in general.
I regularly ask that i may be helped to be a good and faithful servant, that i may overcome to the end and sit on a high throne for eternity, that His messengers {angels} will encamp around me to protect me, etc, etc -- all about ME!
... but to focus on bringing HIM JOY?
I regret that has NOT been on my radar screen much until very recently.
But that is the MOST IMPORTANT THING that any of us can do today -- bring Daddy Yah JOY!
Do you know how to bring Him joy?
Have you ever asked the question?
In the recent past i have twice seen my Daddy in Heaven cry, once with grief and once with joy.
We read about not "grieving" the set apart {holy} Spirit but i doubt that any of us think of that as "do not make Daddy sad and cause Him to cry tears of grief"?
Some time ago a woman i know who is greatly loved by Yah angrily refused to let go of her yahoo.com email address, i saw Yah in tears of GRIEF, both for her and for HIM, because her love had grown cold and she no longer cared enough about Him to stop using a blasphemous email address having been made clearly aware that it was blasphemous.
The second instance related to a man with a Yahoo Groups discussion group who decided to move off Yahoo onto another service provider even though it would cause him great inconvenience and he would lose years of legacy discussion material. I saw Daddy Yah with tears of JOY streaming down His face at this act of love towards Him.
You do NOT necessarily have to do something big today, but do something IMPORTANT to Yah.
Make a real effort to use the right names, stop worshipping Yahooshua, go through your worship and praise CD's and make a note of all tracks that worship Jesus and make a note not to use them -- i have created my own CD's with only those songs that i believe to be correct with regard to Yahooshua and i hope soon to edit the tracks to either remove the wrong names or replace them with the correct names, there is software called Audacity and other products that you can use to edit audio -- please let me know if you do this, i would like to share that material.
Maybe you could share these things with someone else.
Maybe there is a small but psychologically challenging task He has given you that you have been putting off?
I do not know what it is for you but i challenge you to set yourself the goal of bringing JOY to our Father in Heaven every day from now on!
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