Seek Truth

Satan is the "mighty one" {god} of this world

Adam was put on earth to rule over the earth and the forces of darkness

However, Satan tricked Adam into submitting to him (obeying him) through eating the fruit of the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and evil

At this point mankind came under the rule of Satan and Satan set about misleading us 

At the  moment of disobedience mankind, in the form of Adam and Chavah {Eve}, knew ONLY good and NO evil

We spent the 6,000 years to May 2003 learning ALL evil to the point that this generation knows ALL the evil that there is to know on earth

Almost everything that the majority of the world population believes about the Creator, the Creation, the Judgment, the Flood, etc, etc is false

We have been lied to about all of the fundamental spiritual elements of life on earth

Accordingly there is NO point in concerning ourselves with error because the level of error is so huge

What we find is that those who ARE at some level seeking to serve the Almighty become so preoccupied with the errors and sin in the world that they become sin and error (and therefore Satan) focussed instead of focussing on the Almighty

A fundamental principle is therefore to recognize that the world IS full of sin and error and RATHER focus on SEEKING TRUTH

I am NOT saying "ignore sin and error" in the sense of making light of it or accept it

I AM saying SEEK TRUTH in that you will find error and sin EVERYWHERE so, do NOT get obsessed with it

Many people who believe are effectively neutralized by Satan by becoming preoccupied with the errors of others

This is the phenomenon of the specks in the eyes of others versus the planks in our own eyes

Accept that no matter WHO you meet they WILL have error, SO, do NOT focus on the error

To focus on error is to focus on Satan

Look for the truth that they have, learn from them and, to the extent appropriate, IGNORE the sin and error

Once you have learned what there is to learn from them or when the sin and error becomes too obstructive then simply MOVE ON

Do NOT get involved in judging them and shouting at them, etc

Simply SEEK TRUTH and move on -- that way you are looking for the part in them that IS from Yah

There is only ONE being on earth that is totally evil and that is Satan

Every other being, even the most hardened Witch or Satanist, has SOME good in them


IF you come into contact with such a person, seek the truth that they have and MOVE ON

Pray constantly for Father to bring the people that He wants into your life and keep the people that he does NOT want in your life out and then learn from whoever crosses your path

and remember that the majority is ALWAYS WRONG

<<< PREVIOUS SECTION: Specific Messages from the Almighty

NEXT SECTION: The Contest>>>

<<< PREVIOUS SUB-SECTION:  A Guide to Receiving Personal Prophecy

NEXT SUB-SECTION:  Seek Truth NOT Error >>>


2010.01.01 - Some Important Truths regarding the matters of the Creator, and life in general


One of the major reasons there is division in the body of believers is that we are constantly fighting over the things we cannot agree on rather than working with the things we can agree on. We all have error, focusing on each other's error is not helpful, we should rather focus on the truth that they have and learn from them.


If in reading the following passages you become aware of sin you were not previously aware of or convicted of sin that you have been trying to ignore, remember 1 John 1:8-10 "8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us. " NKJV

In such cases go before our Heavenly Father with a broken spirit and a contrite heart, repent of your sin, ask for forgiveness in the name of Yahooshua {Jesus} and received forgiveness. Thereafter you may need to take corrective action to prevent recurrence or deal the consequences of your sin. This may include going to people you have wronged confessing and asking for forgiveness, making restitution (repaying losses you have caused), reinstating a wrongly divorced woman or man, etc. There is much that can be written about this.


Please be very conscious that if you continue in sin after you have been clearly shown that it is sin and do so wilfully and knowingly, particularly with a rebellious attitude, a point will come where there is no further opportunity for forgiveness and you will then lose all hope of salvation and be guaranteed to burn in the lake of fire for eternity -- read Hebrews 6 and 10 in particular.


We will all be judged, either in this life or the life to come. It is HIGHLY preferable to be judged in this life rather than face time or eternity in the lake of fire in the life to come. If things go wrong in your life, whether premature death of a loved one, a serious disease, a car accident, dropping a glass and breaking it or stubbing your toe, ALL of those are judgments from the Court of Heaven enforced by the forces of darkness. Yah the eternally self existing {or Yahooeh or Yahweh, the true name of the one frequently referred to as the LORD, God, Allah, Creator, Heavenly Father}, the Almighty Creator, is the judge, Yahooshua {Jesus} is our advocate and Satan or in his absence other senior fallen messengers {angels} are the prosecutor / accuser and bring the charges. The more you seek to draw close to the Almighty the more attention the forces of darkness will give to you and wherever possible they will seek a conviction.

If you are a new believer through the covenant of Yahooshua {Jesus} there IS grace but if you are mature all grace has been withdrawn, this was necessary in order for Satan to be convicted and sentenced to a thousand years in the Pit a few years ago (2003).

Accordingly, whenever anything goes wrong in your life, no matter how small, you should immediately turn to our Father, ask Him to show you what your sin is (remember that sin is "missing the mark") repent, turn around (that is what repent means) and go in the right direction.


If you are truly committed to serving the Almighty and reaching Heaven for eternity, some important prayers include:

"Father, please show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it, in the name of Yahooshua".

"Father, help me to lead a life that is pleasing to you, in the name of Yahooshua".

"Father, please bring the people you want into my life and take those you do not want in my life out, open the doors you want opened in my life and close the doors you want closed in the name of Yahooshua".

"Father, judge me severely and correctly me harshly that i may serve you more perfectly in the name of Yahooshua".

We can supply a document containing other useful prayers.


In simple terms covenant is an unbreakable blood oath.

Without blood there can be no covenant.

Many years ago covenant was "cut" by slaughtering an animal, cutting it into two halves along the backbone and the covenant parties walking in the blood between the two halves of the animal reciting the terms of the covenant as Yah the eternally self existing did with Abraham.

Simply a covenant says -- "we agree to such and such and if either party breaks the covenant they will die".

Believers through the covenant of Yahooshua rejoice in the “new and better covenant made through Yahooshua”, they lose sight of the fact that if they break the covenant they will die.


Thus, when a man consummates with a woman who is a virgin, the woman's sexual organ represents symbolically the covenant wound and the blood that flows from the ruptured hymen is the blood of the covenant. Without saying a word when the sexual act is performed the terms of Yah's design covenant come into effect: "this man and woman are joined together for eternity and if either breaks the covenant they will die". Death comes in this life at times but more importantly in the life to come. This is why divorce is an extreme act only permissible under certain extreme conditions where one party has broken covenant to such an extent that repentance is no longer possible.

Most people today are living in adultery and will die for eternity if they do not correct the situation.

A woman can only cut covenant with one man, a man can cut covenant with more than one woman. That is the way mankind was designed from the beginning. If you believe in monogamy then you may only have one sexual partner in your life.


To the best of our knowledge there is only one time in recorded history when the Almighty, our Heavenly Father, our Creator, Yah the eternally self existing, spoke to millions of people and recorded His ten essential commandments in stone. The Ark of the Covenant containing these commandments has been found, as has the real Mount Sinai with the top of the mountain burned with fire, refer to the books, DVD's and other material we distribute.

These ten commandments are the MOST IMPORTANT laws in the whole of creation and it is vital that we FULLY understand these commandments and live by them.

They will form the basis of the final judgment and those of us who have had a relationship with the Almighty and access to writings in the book {bible meaning “book” as in the Greek “biblios” which means “book”} and elsewhere about Him will be judged most severely if we are found to have broken these commandments.

At this time the body of believers {church} is breaking most if not all of the ten commandments as a consequence of corruption of the faith that has taken place over the years, traditions of the elders, mistranslation, pagan influence, etc, we provide documentation on many aspects of these errors and how to correct them. A few of the most important these factors are set out below:


The true name of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, our Father in Heaven, is "Yah the eternally self existing" frequently transliterated as "Yahweh" or more accurately "Yahooeh", while today He is frequently referred to as "The LORD", this is in fact a totally inaccurate translation and is, in fact, a corruption of "Baal" (a pagan mighty one or god) and is NOT pleasing to Him at all. If we love Him we will call Him by His correct name which is "Yah" or "Yahooeh" or "Yah the eternally self existing".


In the same way, He is "the Almighty" which is a reasonably accurate translation of "Elohim" in the Hebrew which means "mighty one" or "almighty" depending on context. This word is traditionally translated "God" which is a pagan idolatrous title which is offensive to our Father and as an act of love all are urged to refer to Him rather as "The Almighty", or "The Creator" or "our Father in Heaven" or similar rather than "God".

"God" is also used to represent "mighty one" being both the Almighty AND other mighty one's, thus the president of a country is in Hebrew "elohim" that is in terms of current tradition, the president is a "god", accordingly it is important that we use correct languaging. Satan is also a god (mighty one)!


For example, in order to understand the first commandment we should translate it as "Yah the eternally self existing is one mighty one, you shall have no other mighty one's beside Him" which makes much more sense and is much less ambiguous than the traditional translation. The traditional form allows us to mistakenly accept all sorts of traditions that are not helpful and are hurtful and often offensive to our Father in Heaven.


Likewise, the third commandment is "You shall not take the name of Yah the eternally self existing your Mighty One in vain", this is much more meaningful than the traditional translation. In terms of the correct translation you will immediately understand that the name of a widely used email service provider and web portal is a blasphemous name and if you love our Father in Heaven you will immediately take steps to change your email address if you are using that provider and advise all friends who are using that address to cease using it as well.

Any word that sounds like Yah is taking the name of Yah in vain, so the use of “ja” in Afrikaans and other languages should be avoided as should halleluyah (praise Yah) except in reverent praise of the Creator.

Yahooshua = YAH IS SALVATION NOT Jesus

The name of the man widely known as "Jesus" is in fact "Yahooshua" which means "Yah is salvation" and is widely translated "Joshua" in the books in the bible before the time of Yahooshua. Jesus is a pagan idolatrous name derived from the mythical god "Zeus" and it is not pleasing to Yahooshua to be called by a name derived from a pagan root.

Yahooshua IS the name above ALL names because there is nothing higher than the salvation of Yah. There is NO WAY to the Father i.e. Yah except through the Salvation of Yah i.e. Yahooshua.

If we truly love Yahooshua we will call him by his true name.


Christ” is a meaningless religious word which variously means "anointing of the Spirit of Yah", or "anointed of Yah" or "anointed by the Spirit of Yah". Phrases containing “Christ” should be correctly translated as:

►       "Jesus Christ" should be translated "Yahooshua the anointed of Yah";

►       "Christ Jesus" should be translated as "the anointing of the Spirit of Yah that was upon Yahooshua";

►       and "Christ" on should, depending on context, be translated either as:

– "the anointed one" which equals Yahooshua at times


– it can mean "anointed of Yah" and refer to any set apart spirit {holy spirit} filled believer.

So, while the anointing sometimes refers to the anointing upon Yahooshua in other cases it refers to others, for example, King David was a "christ", that is an anointed one, as was Moses, as are you IF you believe in Yah the eternally self existing and have received an impartation (anointing) of His Spirit.

Again, if we love the Almighty and Yahooshua we will use "anointing of the Spirit of Yah" / "anointed of Yah".



Reference to most Greek dictionaries and particularly Vine's Dictionary evidence that Yahooshua died on a stake -- a length of tree trunk place in a socket in the rock -- he could just as well have been nailed to the trunk of a living tree.


The cross is a form of Ankh used in the worship of the sun god. The Ankh represents a woman with her vagina open and legs spread above a penis. It is a horrible insult to Yahooshua to refer to him dying on a cross.


There are many other words in modern English bible transations and general usage like those above that are based on tradition and result from the compromises made by Christianity (i.e. believers) in the first six hundred years after Yahooshua in order to deal with persecution by the Yahoodites (Jews) and Romans and other pagans and out of deliberate intent to break ties with the Hebrew roots of the belief today called Christian.

These compromises have corrupted the pure faith in Yah through the covenant sacrifice of Yahooshua and resulted in many errors which cloud our understanding of the simple truths of the Almighty today. Many of these errors are leading people into harsh judgment.

Our goal is to assist where we can to restore these lost truths.


Fundamentally, we all have the opportunity by faith to work toward a high throne with Yahooshua for eternity by overcoming to the end but we may also find ourselves burning in the lake of fire for eternity -- see Revelation 21:8.

We may also make it to heaven but find ourselves in the “outer darkness”.

Salvation is only determined on the Day of Judgement, NOT by a decision or prayer that you pray in this life. All such a prayer achieves is that it opens the door for us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. eMail us for a detailed document on this subject (Where will YOU Spend Eternity?).

Yahooshua IS NOT YAH

From the above it will be apparent that since Yahooshua's name is NOT Yah, he CANNOT be Yah, Yahooshua IS a god, that is mighty one but he is NOT the Almighty, it is the Spirit of Yah ON Yahooshua that made it appear as though he was the Almighty because the Almighty was working through Yahooshua in a mighty way. That SAME power is available to everyone who believes, remember that Yahooshua said we could do GREATER works than he did.

Yahooshua is a created being, a son of Adam, a man. We have a serious problem if he is not a man because ONLY a son of Adam had the authority to do what Yahooshua did. There is a detailed explanation of how Yahooshua accomplished all that he accomplished and nearly all of these items require that he was fully a human being.

All human beings and messengers {angels} are “sons of Yah” {sons of God}.


To summarize the ten commandments:

1. Yah is one, do not worship any other being, including Yahooshua.

2. No graven images or idols, includes NOT worshipping the bible, the cross, the denomination, etc. Yahooshua died on a stake NOT a cross, the cross is a pagan symbol.

3. Do not take the Name of Yah or Yahooeh in vain -- do not use Yah or Yahooeh or any derivative of those words for any other purpose but REVERENT i.e. fearful reference to the Almighty Creator -- includes websites, etc.

4. Remember the seventh day and keep it set apart -- the sabbath, that is Saturday, NOT Sunday, Sunday is a pagan day of worshipping the Sun.

Also observe the set apart days of Yah specifically:

►       Passover;

►       the Feast of Unleavened Bread;

►       Pentecost;

►       the Feast of Trumpets;

►       the Day of Atonement;

►       the Feast of Tabernacles

and do NOT observe Christmas and Easter and other pagan feasts which are hurtful to Yah and Yahooshua -- regarding Christmas, Yah says, "how would you like it if your family observed your birthday on the birthday of your worst enemy?" -- Yahooshua was born on the Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles.

5. Honour your father and mother and it will go well with you -- includes taking proper care of them in old age, not speaking ill of them, etc.

6. Do not commit adultery -- a major problem -- Yah created women to be virgins, the act of taking a woman's virginity is an IRREVERSIBLE BLOOD COVENANT act associated with the shedding of blood, a man and woman are joined forever as a consequence of this act except under very specific circumstances judged ONLY by the Almighty in the Court of Heaven.

Divorce is only permitted under certain specific circumstances and is NOT lightly granted. Everything else is adultery and will lead to a part or eternity in the lake of fire and brimstone on the Day of Judgment.

By extension, Yah designed us so that a man could enter into life time blood covenant with more than one woman by taking the virginity of more than one woman.

The majority of men are NOT living with any or all the women whose virginity they have taken and the majority of women are NOT living with the man who took their virginity. Most people are in adultery. There ARE prayers that can be prayed to clean up SOME but not all such situations.

7. Do not commit murder -- Yah lays down clear instructions that murderers should be put to death and so any support for abolition of the death penalty makes one an offender against this commandment and guilty as a partner in any murder committed by a person who is not put to death after they have murdered once. Swearing and cursing also break this commandment.

Abortion is also murder FROM THE MOMENT OF CONCEPTION so birth control devices that prevent implantation also cause murder. At conception a spirit is allocated to the fertilized egg and it becomes a human being.

8. Do not steal -- taking anything under false pretenses is stealing, includes demanding offerings and tithes if one is not walking in an acceptable level of truth before the Almighty, includes not paying taxes, under quoting deliberately, etc..

9. Do not bear false witness (or lie or joke falsely) -- includes lies, includes jokes that are lies, includes false doctrines including all the lies that are commonly taught by the church today including but not limited to those dealt with in this document. Revelation 21:8 says that ALL liars will have a part in the lake of fire and brimstone which is the second death.

10. Do not covet -- includes lusting after men or women, pornography, lusting after goods and finances, most advertising breaks this commandment or seeks to get readers or viewers to break this commandment. Prosperity teaching that encourages believers to lust after possessions at the expense of seeking set apartness {holiness} and service to the Almighty breaks this commandment.


Yahooshua is the first being that the Almighty created and took part in the entire creation process. When he came to earth he was born of a virgin in a miracle that is LESS dramatic than the miracle of creating Adam from dust, he was born of a virgin so he was free of bloodline curses. He had to be 100% human, a son of Adam, in order to have any authority on earth because the Almighty gave all authority on earth to Adam and Adam gave that authority to Satan.

By living a life without sin Yahooshua regained authority over Satan and death had no hold on him so when he was put to death he was automatically resurrected and became the firstborn from the dead and therefore King of all human Kings and adonai {lord} of all human lords. His resurrection was a matter of legal compliance and not some miraculous ability of Yahooshua.

Yahooshua became the lamb of the Almighty by prophetic assignment by Yahoochanan {John} [Yah has graced] the immerser {baptist} and then assigned the body and blood of the lamb to the bread and the wine thereby enabling us to perform ALL the rites laid down by Moses [Moshe] for cleansing without intervention by human beings other than ourselves.

Yahooshua was proclaimed king by Herod and by Pontius Pilate on behalf of the Emperor and by the masses and priests who beat him.

The children of Israel and others and their descendants were cleansed by the blood of the sacrifice when they declared "his blood be upon us and upon our children".

His offering became the offering for atonement and for induction of himself as the new high priest when the blood and water from his heart, ruptured through his suffering and released by the spear in his side, ran down the stake, down the earthquake crack at the foot of the stake and onto the lid of the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant hidden in a cave beneath the execution site (refer book and DVD“The Ark of the Covenant”, available from us).

There is much more that can be written about Yahooshua.


We are in the first years of the seventh millennium since creation. Satan was cast into the Pit in 2003. The Almighty Father is resting.

Yahooshua is seated at the right hand of the Father WAITING for his enemies to be made his footstool.

We have spent six thousand years learning all there is to learn about evil and this generation is the most evil generation that has ever lived. We are required to reign with the anointing of the set apart Spirit of Yah for the next one thousand years following the way (pattern) that Yahooshua, Moshe {Moses} and many others have given us and to restore ALL truth.


The mark of the beast is in full force in the world today. It is NOT a physical item such as a micro-chip, it is a spiritual mark that relates to breaking the ten commandments in ones thoughts or in ones contracting and writing. If one is breaking ANY of the commandments one will have the mark, whether in thought, word or deed and particularly in contracts you enter into (your right hand). If you do not have this mark and are strenuously seeking to be set apart and serve the Almighty to the point of seeking to uphold all ten of the commandments the forces of darkness will oppose you in every possible way thereby using any sin in your life to prevent you from selling and therefore from buying.

In order to survive we will need to seek a level of righteousness and oneness with our Father that is way beyond anything we have imagined possible in the past. People who are prospering at present almost certainly have the mark of the beast at some level.


As mentioned above, the Beast of Revelation with blasphemous names is NOT a denomination or church group, or people group, or nation, or group of nations or anything physical, it is a spiritual state and the beast today is almost the ENTIRE Christian church including ALL denominations which are still using the words “the LORD”, “God”, “Jesus”, “Christ”, “cross” or worshipping the bible, blasphemous email addresses, dishonouring parents, not honouring virginity, enforcing monogamy at the expense of virginity, leaving single women without a covering, supporting abolition of the death penalty or abortion, swearing and cursing (“damn”,”bloody”, “God”, etc), giving and taking bribes, under quoting, misquoting, stealing in other ways, lying including ALL false doctrines, jokes, etc, lusting and coveting, etc.

The spiritual regime that is currently prevailing is FAR removed from what we have been taught.


Islam meaning “the way of life of one who serves Allah”, Allah being equivalent to the Aramaic "Ellah" and the Hebrew "Elohim" which is widely applied to the Almighty as an alternative to His true name Yah or Yah the eternally self existing, IS a faith in the Almighty Creator Yah.

As with Christianity, there are some who have a personal relationship with Yah and others who do not and who therefore are serving Satan.

Islam flows from the prophet Muhammed who was a prophet of Yah sent to bring correction after both the Hebrews and the followers of Yahooshua had apostatized to such an extent that Yah could no longer work through them.

In particular, by 600 AD when Muhammed was sent, the "Christians" had turned so far from true worship of Yah using pagan and false names, changed the Sabbath to Sunday, institutionalized monogamy and many other sins, Yah was no longer able to work through the children of Israel {Jacob} (the Christians and the Jews) and therefore turned to His covenant with Ishmael the first son of Abraham.

The Christians and the Jews were also worshipping the book {bible} as the “inerrant word of God” and using corrupt texts.

The ongoing wars between Islam and Christianity are therefore wars between the two sons of Abraham. At present Islam is more righteous that Christianity and Christianity is the offender in the current wars in the Middle East.

Because the covenant through Israel did NOT include the sons of Ishmael, Muhammed had to bring a message of salvation through works and particularly to tell the Christians they were in error for worshipping Yahooshua and the book and to tell the Jews they were in error for worshiping the book.

In order to bring knowledge of the covenant through Yahooshua to the Muslims they must first be accepted as believers in Yah and then be shown that Yahooshua's covenant is available to them.

A similar approach is required with the Yahoodites {Jews}.


Yahooshua also said that he had sheep of other sheepfolds. There is documentation supporting the appearance of Yahooshua to South American people in Central Americal who are allegedly Hebrews in exile and there is reason to believe that Yahooshua may have appeared to others around the world. Thus one must be careful about rejecting the mighty ones of other cultures because in some cases they may also be worshipping Yah or honouring Yahooshua.


Isaiah 4 verse one makes it clear that in this age there will be seven times as many women as men in the body of true believers, the remnant. Casual observation at assemblies around the world will confirm that the more highly anointed the ministry the more women there are than men. I have personally observed as many as ten times as many women as men regularly attending an anointed assembly.

The implication is that women who are truly committed to Yah and are crying out for a believing man who is as committed or more committed and as mature or more mature in the things of Yah are either NOT going to find that man or are going to find themselves faced with the prospect of sharing that man with other women.

In considering this statement it is vital to understand that the thing we know as marriage is actually "sexual intercourse with a virgin, widow or truly divorced woman". Once we understand this then the verse that refers to "forbidding to marry" and calls it a "doctrine of demons" becomes clear. Monogamy forbids men to have sexual intercourse (i.e. marry) truly single women and it is therefore apparent that monogamy is the "doctrine of demons" that is being referred to.

Contact us for a detailed book of over 200 pages that analyses this in great detail or download it off our website.


All the above are challenging, please email us for more information, there is much more that can be said.


2013.05.01 - Seek truth NOT error

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In February 2001 Father Yah gave me a message titled "Seek truth NOT error".

In the years that follows He has repeatedly stressed this principle to me and I am now impressed to share the concept again.

   1.  Six thousand years learning all there is to learn about evil and error

About six thousand years ago when Adam and Chavah (Eve) ate the fruit of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil they set mankind on a journey to learn all evil (they already had access to all good).

As a consequence we now live in the most evil generation that has ever lived and we are surrounded by evil and not much good.

Even that which we think to be good is often corrupt.

This is far more widespread and far more deep seated than it may seem to your right now as will be evidenced in the messages that, Yah willing, will follow this one.

2.  Only one human with no error

It is also so that there has only been ONE human being who lived a life without error and without sin and that is Yahooshua the anointed of Yah of Nazareth in Israel who lived about two thousand years ago and who died to provide an atoning sacrifice for our sins and to show us the way to serve Yah and overcome with the prospect of eternal life with him and Yah in heaven.

Accordingly, if you examine me or any other person you will sooner or later find error and sin.

The same applies to any article, book, teaching, etc.

Believing that there are human beings who are without sin today is foolishness in the extreme.

Accordingly, whether it be your shepherd {pastor}, husband, wife or whoever, do NOT expect them to be perfect and without error and do NOT be surprised when you discover that they DO have error.

For the same reason, when you encounter teachings, expect to find that there is error mixed with truth or, more likely, truth mixed with error.

Refusing to read anything written by an individual because they have been found to have error is foolishness and will quite possibly cut you off from important truths.

    3.  Only one being with ALL error

To take the matter further, there is only one being that has ALL ERROR and that is Satan.

Thus it is so that even extremely evil people have truth, they could not function without some truth in their lives.  So the principles upon which witchcraft and other satanic activities are based are also truths.

Thus, if one is called to minister to people in those areas one must be willing to sift the truth from the error.

    4.  Seek truth amongst the error

It therefore becomes apparent that in searching for truth one must constantly sift through the error.

As the wheat and the chaff are mixed together intimately and difficult to separate until the season is right, so the truth and the error are frequently difficult to separate.

In fact, we have grown up in a world so filled with error that much of what we believe to be truth turns out to be error.

For example, most of us have grown up believing that the name of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth is "the LORD" and / or "God" – it comes as a shock to most to learn that those are in fact pagan names and it is only through the Grace of our Almighty Father in Heaven that He has seen fit to answer our prayers and have a relationship with us.

As you dig further into this subject, as I hope to in the days ahead, you will increasingly discover that there are other things that you have taken to be truth which are in fact errors and you may even discover that there are some things you thought were error that are in fact truth.

   5.  Focus on truth, do NOT focus on error

In all of this, focus on the truth, do NOT focus on the error, take it for granted error is there, be it you, your pastor, your wife or husband or any other person you might be inclined to put on some sort of pedestal.

Yahooshua said in MattihYahoo {Matthew} (gift of Yah) 7:1-5  "Judge not, that ye be not judged.  For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.  And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?  Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?  Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye." (KJV)

 This is the same principle.  Do NOT look for error in others, deal with your own error and look to others for truth that will help you to find your error and deal with it.

   6.  Do NOT talk about error, SHARE TRUTH

In the same way, do not talk about error, do not gossip and tell others about the errors you have found in people, if you cannot talk well of someone, rather say nothing.

Websites that seek to expose the error of others are doing the work of the accuser and those people will find themselves demonized and on the side of Satan.

The more you look at the works of Satan in people the more you will begin to look like him and learn his ways.

The more you broadcast about evil the more you will be sucked into it.

Where you encounter error AND Yah clearly instructs you to make it known, then do ONLY what He tells you to do, no more and no less.

Otherwise just ignore it and either stop associating with that person if you are unable to do anything to constructively influence them or their sin offends you or focus on what is right in that person and ignore the error.

THEN talk about the truth that you believe you have and if you are attacked just leave it, it is NOT your job to force your truths onto others, it is your job to sow what you have to sow and leave it to Yah to water and bring the seed to fruition.

   7.  The End Time Issue Ministries calling – to act as a catalyst and facilitator to collect, collate and distribute truth

For about ten years Yah has been calling me to act as a catalyst and facilitator to collect, collate and distribute truth, primarily up to now by email publishing.

At times I have been obedient and at other times I have wandered off on side journeys.

In this process I have had to deal with major error in my own life, a process that continues to this day.

He has now strongly called me back to do what He has called me to do and I am in the process of preparing myself for this with the fasts that are currently in process.

Part of this role is simply to publish that information which I particularly hold to be truth.

Part of the role and, as far as I can currently see, a major part of that role in the future will be to act as a facilitator and catalyst for collecting and collating truth in the days ahead.

Currently I understand this to be a website that will provide a forum for anyone who has content they consider to be truth to publish that truth without censorship.

In time I hope that this website will be supported by a team of prophetic intercessors around the world who will be led by the Spirit of Yah to identify specific articles, add words from Yah, classify the articles in terms of accuracy, down to the level of a paragraph or sentence, etc.

It seems that the ministry may also include platform speaking on at least some subjects, such as the true Name of Yah, etc.

The audience for this work will include those who believe and also those who do not, anyone who is seeking truth.

If you feel led to contribute to this work or participate in any way please contact me.


I appeal to all who read this to focus on truth and NOT on error.

It does not matter how offensive you find someone's error they have truth hidden somewhere.

If  you are called to find truth, then seek it, if not either move on or avoid getting sucked into error and at the same time realize that you probably have less truth than you think and look constantly for truth which others have which you lack.

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2013.10.05 - Yah’s commandments are BEST

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From feedback on the article on the “Virgin’s Covenant” it is also apparent that many do NOT believe that Yah’s commandments are just or right.

In forming such an opinion it is vital to understand that just over 6,000 years ago, at the time that Adam was created, man knew ONLY good, the ways of Yah.

Since Adam and Chavah {Eve} ate of the fruit of the tree of “the knowledge of good and evil” mankind has been learning everything there is to know about evil until, in Yah’s sight, the generation in which we now live is the MOST EVIL generation that has ever lived.

Accordingly we must be very wary of judging Yah’s commandments, laws and statutes through the eyes of our understanding of the present age.

We must ALSO be very wary of thinking that, because this generation is so defiled, we must make our own laws and deny Yah’s laws – that is how we got into the mess in the first place.

I would like to suggest for your consideration that Yah’s laws today are EVERY bit as valid and just and right today as they were when He established them at the start, we just do NOT know how to apply them and are so filled with corruption and wrong thinking and Satan’s influence that most people regard Yah’s Commandments as obsolete and unjust.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Provided you take a wholehearted decision to follow Yah and keep His commandments you WILL find that they are valid, valuable and totally applicable in your life.

You will also discover that the Satanic realm, the realm of fallen messengers {angels} and demons, hates Yah’s truths and does everything possible to corrupt them, distort them and make them seem wrong and unjust.  They have to because, IF they did NOT men would discover the truth about Yah and flock to Him.  Accordingly, the more you seek to serve Yah in obedience and faithfulness the more you will be faced with opposition and adversity UNLESS you really draw close to Yah and overcome.

In order to do this it is vital to have an understanding that YOU WILL FACE JUDGMENT and are likely to end up on the wrong side on the Day of Judgment IF you do NOT obey Yah’s commandments.

See also (article name at the end of the link):

I leave it to you to decide whether you will keep Yah’s Commandments or take the wide road that leads to death.

Note that it is written that it is love toward Yah to keep His Commandments.

May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.

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2013.03.13 - The Great Falling AWAY


There is also an expectation that we are in the age of apostacy or falling away or tribulation

We are BUT we have been for nearly 2,000 years

The major falling away took place in the first 600 years after Yahooshua {Jesus} when the body of believers departed from just about every fundamental law and principle of service to the Almighty such that since then the body of believers {church} has been breaking all ten of the Ten Commandments on a consistent basis:

1. Yah the eternally self existing is ONE Mighty One you shall have no other mighty ones before Him -- worship of Jesus violates this

2. No graven images -- worship of the bible violates this as does the worship of the cross

3. Do not use the Name of Yah in vain, includes calling Him "God", "the LORD", calling Yahooshua "Jesus" -- these are all blasphemous names, "ja" for "yes" in Afrikaans, "" violate this as well

4. Observe the Sabbath -- Saturday and the other Sabbaths -- Passover, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonment, Tabernacles -- most people violate all of these

5. Honour your mother and your father -- putting them in old age homes violates this as do many other things

6. Do not murder -- abortion violates this and the abolition of the death penalty violates the commandment to put murderers to death

7. No adultery -- sexual intercourse with a virgin giving rise to a blood covenant is the union referred to here, this is almost totally ignored, man that takes the virginity of more than one woman is in covenant with all of them

8. Do not steal -- hardly observed at all -- preachers who teach lies and take up offerings break this

9. Do not bear false witness / lie -- almost universally broken, almost everything the Christian Church teaches contains lies

10. Do not covet, lust -- nearly all advertising and our whole culture at some level breaks this

THESE are the battles that have to be fought


May Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty Creator, bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you.  



2012.09.03 - Satan’s most effective lies

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Today is the Day of Trumpets, a high Sabbath and a time for breaking through spiritually.

As I lay in bed this morning I found myself pondering the question “what are Satan’s most effective lies?” – in other words the lies that are most directly sending people to destruction on the Day of Judgment -- the following list is what came up for me:

1.  Lies about the Day of Judgment

Many people believe that there is NO Day of Judgment or that they will not be judged.  Many Christians believe that they are exempt from the Day of Judgment when, in fact, they will be the people who are judged most harshly.

By getting people to believe they can live their lives as they please Satan scores a major victory.

2.  Lies about the importance of words and personal opinion

Many people do not understand the importance of words, we will be judged for EVERY word we utter, words give permission to the Satanic and demonic realm to act in our lives.  On Saturday night there was a concert at the sports club across the road from where I live and one of the musicians was belting out at top volume “I am on the highway to hell” with absolutely no comprehension of the curse that he was speaking out over his own life and causing all those at the concert who sang along with him to speak out over their own lives.

Reducing words like “hell” and “damn” and other curse words to “just swear words, nobody takes them seriously” results in a situation in which people are constantly speaking out curses over themselves and others.

Sloppiness with words is a huge source of victory for the forces of darkness, even the greeting “take care” is a curse because it tells the person over whom it is spoken to take a burden of care.

Coupled to this dangerous use of words is the widespread view that we are entitled to have our own views of the Creator, etc with no adverse consequences when the fact is that there is only ONE reality and truth and that is the reality and truth of the Almighty Creator and if we choose to align ourselves with beliefs that are contrary to His ways and will we WILL be condemned on the Day of Judgment.

3.  Lies about sex and virginity in particular

The single most effective lies of Satan are the lies about sex and virginity.  Yah has said that more people will burn in the Lake of Fire for transgressing these laws than for any other transgression.

Yah created women as virgins.  The shedding of blood associated with the taking of virginity causes a blood covenant to come into existence.  This covenant can only be broken under very specific circumstances with very specific prayers.

In the absence of these prayers and circumstances any other man who has intercourse with that woman commits adultery with her and they will both burn for at least a season in the Lake of Fire.

Note that it is technically possible for a man to take the virginity of more than one woman and that the doctrine of forced monogamy is therefore false. In practice in this age men and women are mostly incapable of entering into a covenant relationship with multiple women but this does not alter the fact that the Almighty created man and woman to be able to do this.

Coupled to this is the lie that the Pastor / Priest / Rabbi / Magistrate / Mullah / whoever, has the authority to proclaim a man and woman husband and wife even when the woman is in covenant with another man who took her virginity.  These people who take this official right on themselves will face particularly harsh judgment for having misrepresented their authority.

Compounding the above, sexual love making is highly pleasurable and therefore just about all human beings actively desire it and at some level seek it – there is a point at which sexual desire becomes almost impossible to resist.  Many religious groupings adopt puritanical standards that ultimately lead to people discarding the truths of the religion together with the false teachings about sexual love making.

4.  Lies told by leaders

At one end of the extreme we have the lie which says that an individual can believe whatever suits then with no adverse consequences -- at the other extreme, which is the vast majority of people, people abdicate their responsibility for what they believe in favour of belonging to some religious grouping and simply believing what the Pastor / Prophet / Priest / Rabbi / Mullah / whoever teaches them, oblivious to the fact that on the Day of Judgment we will each stand before the Judgment Seat ALONE and give account for our lives and what we believed.  The people who led others astray with their false teachings WILL be subject to a harsher judgment but those who followed them will ALSO be judged individually.

5.  Lies about the name of the Creator

The true Name of the Almighty Creator is “Yah the eternally self-existing” or “Yah” as His essential name.  Calling Him God, or the LORD, or Elohim, or Allah, or Hashem or G_d or whatever is an insult to him and breaks the third commandment AND opens the door for Satan to steal the worship and obeisance due to Yah because these other names have pagan or other roots and are NOT valid names for the Almighty.

For many years Yah DID extend grace to those who used these wrong names but at the turn of the millennium that grace was withdrawn and those who use those names today are worshipping Satan and / or demons and will be judged accordingly.

In addition, many people use derivatives of “Yah” for “yes” or use names like “” on the Internet or “Yah” as a new Internet Service – all of these uses of words that sound like Yah or Yahooeh are blasphemous and will result in at least a part in the Lake of Fire.

6.  Lies about the bible and other books

Many people believe that “The Bible is the Word of God”, this is false, the bible is simply a collection of writings, some of which are to some degree inspired by Yah or about the lives of people who at some level served Yah but it is NOT THE WORD of Yah or anything that approximates that.  Yah has inspired billions of pages and it is a gross insult to limit Him to one “little book” (His words to me).

Building huge and complex teachings on the semantic interpretation of text in the bible is a massive mistake; the same applies to other books, like the Quran which are accorded similar reverence.

7.  Lies about Jesus and the Trinity

In the “Christian” area one of the most pervasive lies is the lie that Jesus is God and that there is a Trinity.

Firstly, his name was Yahooshua, which means “Yah is salvation” so, by the very definition of his name, Yahooshua was NOT Yah.

Secondly, he was a human being, the result of a creative miracle much LESS significant than the creative miracle whereby Adam was created or the miracle whereby Chavah {Eve} was created – yes, he WAS filled with the Spirit of Yah and thus Yah spoke through him and performed miracles through him but that same anointing is available to YOU today IF you will truly seek Yah fully.

Thirdly, “Trinity” is a pagan, that is Satanic, concept.

8.  Lies about set-apart {holy} days and other days

Another suite of pervasive lies relate to the set-apart {holy} days, the seventh day Sabbath (Saturday), Passover, Pentecost, the Day of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, the Feast of Tabernacles (particularly the first and eighth days) – we are commanded to observe all of these and will be judged severely every time we break any or all of these Sabbaths.

In addition, there are the false Sabbaths of Sunday, Christmas and Easter, all of which are pagan and all of which give honour to Satan and his demons and all of which carry judgment if we observe them in any shape or form.

9.  Lies about the Ten Commandments in general

Finally there are all the other lies relating to the Ten Commandments which are broken wholesale by just about every religious grouping on the planet today.  Because of the lies listed above most people actually believe that they are KEEPING the Ten Commandments.  At the simplest level there is a commandment “thou shalt NOT bear false witness”, in other words “do NOT lie”, Revelation 21:8 states that “ALL liars … shall have a part in the Lake of Fire” – so as long as Satan can get us to believe any of these lies he is starting to become mighty one {god} over us.


All of these lies separate human beings from the Almighty Creator, lead them into sin and set them up to burn for at least a part of eternity (Revelation 21:8) or be utterly destroyed in the fire.  There is much information relating to the subjects discussed above on my websites – see links below.

May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.

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2012.11.18 - Satan’s Lies – Response to Rebuttal

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In September I published the article 2012.09.03 “Satan's most effective lies”

In response to that a person on the list sent me a very detailed rebuttal and then subsequently suggested that I was heading towards forming a cult

Insofar as I am firmly of the opinion that it is NOT my job to force anybody to believe what I believe and that we each have a FREE CHOICE, I thought it would be appropriate to publish the rebuttal, since the party concerned obviously went to quite a bit of trouble compiling it and thereby give others on the list the opportunity to form their own opinions.

Following is the full email thread so start reading from the last item back up.



Hi B…

Thank you for your concern

At the end of the day you believe that some voice, be it your intellect or some other voice told you that the bible is the word of God and that same voice or another voice told you that Jesus is God

We can argue intellectually all we like but it will get neither of us anywhere

Fact is you are so sure of your “truth” that you are prepared to make some harsh claims about the voice I am hearing from – which frankly is dangerous, I might just be hearing the true Creator!

I suggest for your prayerful consideration that there is ONLY one way to resolve this:

1.   YOU pray regularly for the next six to twelve months “Father, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua and I ask you to JUDGE me SEVERELY and correct me HARSHLY that I can serve you more perfectly and I ask you to show me the level of my present DECEPTION and HOW to correct it” – respond to EVERYTHING that goes wrong and course correct until the judgment comes to an end – I have been praying this way since about 1998 so I have some basis to believe that I am more or less on track

2.   Simultaneously with the above undertake seven three day fasts at seven day intervals seeking that your flesh is put to death, that you are drawn closer to Yah, that you be brought into His truth, etc and that He will cleanse you of all unrighteousness – concurrently apply all the sanctification processes outlined at

Also read through and apply

3.   If after doing all this and waiting at least six months you STILL believe I am in error THEN let me know and present me with a reasoned argument based on your own revelation and experience after praying these prayers – Yah wants FIRST HAND RELATIONSHIPS WITH US NOT SECOND HAND PROXY RELATIONSHIPS!!

Warm regards and blessings,


From: B 
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 10:21 AM
To: James Robertson End Time Issue Ministries
Subject: RE: B… [ETI Main 2012.09.03] Satans most effective lies

At 11:31 AM 9/19/2012, you wrote:

Dear B…
Daddy Yah has clearly and repeatedly stated to me that the bible is NOT His word and therefore a whole spectrum of your arguments below fall flat

Plenty of cult leaders, such as Jim Jones, said the same thing.  Jesus told the Jewish leaders in Mark 7:5-13, that they were never to do what you were doing and to do so made their worship vain. 

Furthermore He has clearly and repeatedly stated that Yahooshua is 100% human, that it was the anointing of the Spirit of Yah ON Yahooshua that performed the miracles and spoke through Yahooshua and that the Trinity is a false pagan i.e. Satanic, concept – Yahooshua has come to me personally and confirmed this

I don't care what you think or what spirit you claim you have..if it disagrees with the Bible, it is not of God. PERIOD.  God made VERY clear that He gave His truth in the Bible. Paul commended the Bereans for testing new truth against the Bible.  What you are doing is what cult leaders throughout history have done and there is NOTHING of God in it. PERIOD. No matter how sincere you may be.

Accordingly, since I find Yah and Yahooshua to be much more trustworthy witnesses than any of the men you cite I regret that I cannot agree with you
Warm regards and blessings,


You are not following the tested words of Yah  or Yahooshua in a number of areas and God does not conflict with Himself. You've got another spirit leading you down a dangerous road that is the opposite of the road Yahweh told us to travel.  I know of cases like this, which eventually ended up in Christians getting involved in crime, vandalism and murder.  You may not.  But, there's no chance that what you are advocated in this and certain other things is of God.  Impressions in your mind, must ALL be tested by the Bible...or else there's a HIGH chance, they are not of God. This is the #1 error of cults throughout history.

This is a book you REALLY need to read. It started with a Bible study group encountering an angel...who step by step led them to have the exact same belief you do...that the Bible was outdated...they could ignore it for new revelations, etc.  It eventually ended in them murdering people.  This happened in a city I lived in.

This will probably not happen for you..but what you are involved in IS a major deception and will hurt you and others (it may be one reason for your wife leaving...that's a guess...but could be right). And Satan will push you as far as he can with this deception that you are involved in. That's what he did with the group above. Each person has limits where they can be pushed..and yours may be different from this group...but ignoring the Bible as the basic test of God's truth is one of the most serious ways that Satan has deceived cult leaders and their followers for centuries and more.

You've GOT to escape this delusion if you're really going to truly be on God's side.

My prayers and deep concern is with you.
God bless,

From: B… 
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2012 9:49 AM
To: End Time Issue Lists
Subject: Re: B… [ETI Main 2012.09.03] Satans most effective lies

    1. Lies about the bible and other books Many people believe that “The Bible is the Word of God”, this is false, the bible is simply a collection of writings, some of which are to some degree inspired by Yah or about the lives of people who at some level served Yah but it is NOT THE WORD of Yah or anything that approximates that.  Yah has inspired billions of pages and it is a gross insult to limit Him to one “little book” (His words to me).

       Building huge and complex teachings on the semantic interpretation of text in the bible is a massive mistake; the same applies to other books, like the Quran which are accorded similar reverence.
    2. Lies about Jesus and the Trinity In the “Christian” area one of the most pervasive lies is the lie that Jesus is God and that there is a Trinity.

      Firstly, his name was Yahooshua, which means “Yah is salvation” so, by the very definition of his name, Yahooshua was NOT Yah.

       Secondly, he was a human being, the result of a creative miracle much LESS significant than the creative miracle whereby Adam was created or the miracle whereby Chavah {Eve} was created – yes, he WAS filled with the Spirit of Yah and thus Yah spoke through him and performed miracles through him but that same anointing is available to YOU today IF you will truly seek Yah fully.

      Thirdly, “Trinity” is a pagan, that is Satanic, concept.

      With all due respect, I think you should read/listen to this links:
      1) The Trinity is fully biblical and Jesus while he was a man, was fully God and was never created.  He claimed to be the "I AM" The Yahweh of the Old Testament. He proved He had divine power by resurrecting and promising His followers eternal life.

      See also:

      The trinity doctrine starts in Genesis with God saying, Let US make man and all three members of the trinity being present there.

      Genesis 1:26 Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us.

      The great Shema of Israel was essentially trinitarian in nature, using the term echad which means unity among several entities, as in a man and woman become one flesh, or the church is one body, but many parts:

       The OT prophecies that the Messiah will be the Mighty God:

      Isaiah 9:6 For a child is born to us, a son is given to us.  The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

      John is especially strong in saying that Jesus is equal to God:

      John 1:18 No one has ever seen God. But the unique One, who is himself God, is near to the Father’s heart. He has revealed God to us.

      Jesus claimed to be Yahweh:

      John 8:58 Jesus answered, “I tell you the truth, before Abraham was even born, I Am![k]” 59 At that point they picked up stones to throw at him. But Jesus was hidden from them and left the Temple.

      Why did they pick up stones to throw at Him? They understood full well that He was claiming equality with God:

      John 10:30 The Father and I are one.”
      31 Once again the people picked up stones to kill him. 32 Jesus said, “At my Father’s direction I have done many good works. For which one are you going to stone me?”
      33 They replied, “We’re stoning you not for any good work, but for blasphemy! You, a mere man, claim to be God.”

      Later Thomas professed that Jesus was Lord and God:
      John 20:27 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and look at my hands. Put your hand into the wound in my side. Don’t be faithless any longer. Believe!”
      28 “My Lord and my God!” Thomas exclaimed.
      29 Then Jesus told him, “You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me.”

      When Paul and others were called God, they were horrified and rejected that.  Jesus never did, not to the pharisees, not to Peter, not to Thomas. 

      Jesus is either God or a horrible blasphemous sinner. There are no other options.

      See also:, esp. last 20 minutes.

      While the Bible doesn't claim that it is infallible/inerrant in all parts, many parts are directly from God and the most accurate and truthful things that exist in this world. Bible writers state very clearly when they are conveying the words of God and when they are talking about their own ideas in most cases.

      Dr. Martin Lawrence, Ph.D. in medieval history, explains that the evidence for the Bible’s accuracy is stronger than most documents in secular history.

      These videos by Josh McDowell and others talk of solid reasons why the Bible has an unrivaled track record of accuracy and credibility.
       The Authenticity of the Bible - Part 1 - Josh McDowell (Relativity is popular, but truth is real and provable.  Knowledge and perspective changes, but we can still evaluate

      The Authenticity of the Bible - Part 2 - Josh McDowell explains 2 critical tests about the Bible:
      1) Is the Bible today essentially the same as when it was written?
      2) Is what was written originally true?

      2 historical tests of accuracy:
      1) The time gap between original autographa and earliest manuscript of the Bible is shorter than almost all other books of history. We have more time type evidence for the Bible than any other 10 pieces of classical literature combined.
      2) We have far more manuscripts of the Bible than anything else (so it’s easier to do linguistic tests and compare and find what original said) (esp. ~5:00+) 

      The Authenticity of the Bible - Part 3 (charts of the above 2 questions and historical comparisons­showing most books of history have less evidence than the Bible)

      Here are similar charts. Combined: 

      2 good charts & quotes:

      The Bible has gone WAY, WAY beyond any level of extraordinary evidence in comparison to other books of history.

      The Authenticity of the Bible - Part 4 - McDowell explains how the Bible was written by eyewitnesses or researchers, using laws of legal evidence. It appealed to many credible witnesses who agreed on crucial details.)

      The Authenticity of the Bible - Part 5 - McDowell points out that the disciples were threatened with death, but never denied the claims of what they had seen.  Many people have died for lie, but they thought it was true. Apostles knew 100% for certain if Jesus’ resurrection was a lie or true. “They signed their testimony in blood.” as Tertullian said. Even the Watergate conspirators couldn’t keep a secret and their whole careers were on the line. There is no stronger testimony than dying for what a person has seen firsthand. There’s no rational way it could be a lie.

      Andre Kohl (graduate from UCLA), the magician’s magician, has invented of ~2,000 illusions/magical effects. He has never been fooled by another illusionist and loves to expose hoaxes. He was challenged to refute the miracles of Jesus. Kohl tried, but failed and became a Christian. He explained that Jesus’ miracles could not have been done by magic because: 

      1) Most illusions are done indoors, but most of Jesus’ miracles were outdoors 

      2) The environment wasn’t controlled which is a must for most illusions. 

      3) Jesus didn’t have semi trucks of modern technology as illusionists do.  

      The resurrection was the biggest miracle that couldn’t be explained for reasons given above.

      See also Andre Kohl’s personal testimony:

      The Authenticity of the Bible - Part 6 - McDowell explains that the disciples didn’t have any inkling that the Messiah had to die. They expected a conquering Messiah as they had been taught their whole lives. Many in history have died for a great cause. But, the disciple’s great Cause died on the cross. There’s only one reason that could have changed to be faithful unto death. That reason is because they genuinely saw Jesus resurrected.)

      Dr. Simon Greenleaf was a Harvard professor of law who wrote “A Treatise on the Law of Evidence”, (considered by many to be one of the greatest legal volumes ever written). He was a skeptic determined to expose the "myth" of the Resurrection & highly qualified to do just that. Here is a couple review of his legal work:
      “It is no mean honor to America that her schools of jurisprudence have produced two of the first writers & best esteemed legal authorities of this century -- the great & good man, Judge Story, & his worthy & eminent associate, Professor Greenleaf. Upon the existing Law of Evidence (by Greenleaf) more light has shone from the New World than from all the lawyers who adorn the courts of Europe.” London Law Magazine

      His students challenged him to use the same methods he used to determine truth in the court to analyze the evidence for the case of the resurrection of Jesus. He accepted & after significant investigation, the evidence was so compelling that he became a Christian & documented in a book (which is free online) the reasons for his conclusions, saying:

      “The great truths which the apostles declared, were, that Christ had risen from the dead, & that only through repentance from sin, & faith in him, could men hope for salvation. This doctrine they asserted with one voice, everywhere, not only under the greatest discouragements, but in the face of the most appalling terrors that can be presented to the mind of man. 

      Their master had recently perished as a malefactor, by the sentence of a public tribunal. His religion sought to overthrow the religions of the whole world. The laws of every country were against the teachings of his disciples. The interests & passions of all the rulers & great men the world were against them. Propagating this new faith, even in the most inoffensive & peaceful manner, they could expect nothing but contempt, opposition, revilings, bitter persecutions, stripes, imprisonments, torments & cruel deaths. Yet this faith they zealously did propagate ; & all these miseries they endured undismayed, nay, rejoicing. 

      As one after another was put to a miserable death, the survivors only prosecuted their work with increased vigor & resolution. The annals of military warfare afford scarcely an example of the like heroic constancy, patience & unflinching courage. They had every possible motive to review carefully the grounds of their faith, & the evidences of the great facts & truths which they asserted…It was therefore impossible that they could have persisted in affirming the truths they have narrated, had not Jesus actually risen from the dead, & had they not known this fact as certainly as they knew any other fact.” Simon Greenleaf, “An Examination of the Testimony of the Four Evangelists by the Rules of Evidence Administered in the Courts of Justice”, p.52-53. 
      His book is available here for free if you want to read it:  (start on ~p. 23)

“Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.” 1 Timothy 4:8 
"So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up." Galatians 6:9

"Sometimes people ask if religion and science are not opposed to one another? They are: in the sense that the thumb & the finger on my hand are opposed to one another. It is an opposition by means of which anything can be grasped"  Alexis Carrel, Nobel Prize winner in medicine and physiology

Kenneth Scott Latourette, Sterling Professor at Yale University, wrote, "Across the centuries Christianity has been the means of reducing more languages to writing than have all other factors combined. It has created more schools, more theories of education, and more systems than has any other one force. More than any other power in history it has impelled men to fight suffering, whether that suffering has come from disease, war or natural disasters. It has built thousands of hospitals, inspired the emergence of the nursing and medical professions, and furthered movement for public health and the relief and prevention of famine. Although explorations and conquests which were in part its outgrowth led to the enslavement of Africans for the plantations of the Americas, men and women whose consciences were awakened by Christianity and whose wills it nerved brought about the abolition of slavery (in England and America). Men and women similarly moved and sustained wrote into the laws of Spain and Portugal provisions to alleviate the ruthless exploitation of the Indians of the New World…By its name and symbol, the most extensive organization ever created for the relief of the suffering caused by war, the Red Cross, bears witness to its Christian origin. The list might go on indefinitely. It includes many another humanitarian projects and movements, ideals in government, the reform of prisons and the emergence of criminology, great art and architecture, and outstanding literature."
[A History of Christianity, Vol. II, pp.1470,1471]. 

Dr. Randy L. Wysong says, "Evolution can be thought of as sort of a magical religion. Magic is simply an effect without a cause, or at least a competent cause. 'Chance,' 'time,' and 'nature,' are the small gods enshrined at evolutionary temples. Yet these gods cannot explain the origin of life. These gods are impotent. Thus, evolution is left without competent cause and is, therefore, only a magical explanation for the existence of life..."

For very strong evidence that the Bible is true from science, history and other methods & many practical benefits that following God has for this life, see the playlists at: 

"We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters." 1 John 3:16 

For some helpful ESL and mission resources, go to: click resources and you'll find some useful ideas there.
There are 2 inspirational and useful lists that you can join:
1) regular: inspiring stories, illustrations, devotionals, jokes, world issues and sometimes English teaching ideas.
To join, send a blank e-mail to:

2) students: I send out easier stories and jokes to this list for students who are NOT native speakers and are just learning English.
To join, send a blank e-mail to:

An archive of all messages sent is located at (click on which month's messages you want to see): (searchable archive from July, 1999 on)


Romans 12 Place Your Life Before God
2 Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

"The only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve." - Albert Schweitzer

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. - Aristotle

All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act out their dream with open eyes, to make it possible. - Lawrence of Arabia

>>> End of Email <<<



There are massive complex and convoluted arguments against just about everything that is published on this list – that does NOT make what is published here wrong, it simply means that YOU are faced with a substantial challenge in discerning the truth

Ultimately, unless someone is prepared to pray for judgment NOW in this life if they are in error their opinion cannot be trusted – and even then you probably need to give them several years of praying that prayer before they have been refined enough to be reliable.

May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.  I ask that Yah will judge me severely and correct me harshly, show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it and lead me into ALL truth with regard to this teaching and EVERY teaching that I offer, I ask this in the name of Yahooshua.

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2012.09.03 - Satan’s most effective lies

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Today is the Day of Trumpets, a high Sabbath and a time for breaking through spiritually.

As I lay in bed this morning I found myself pondering the question “what are Satan’s most effective lies?” – in other words the lies that are most directly sending people to destruction on the Day of Judgment -- the following list is what came up for me:

1.  Lies about the Day of Judgment

Many people believe that there is NO Day of Judgment or that they will not be judged.  Many Christians believe that they are exempt from the Day of Judgment when, in fact, they will be the people who are judged most harshly.

By getting people to believe they can live their lives as they please Satan scores a major victory.

2.  Lies about the importance of words and personal opinion

Many people do not understand the importance of words, we will be judged for EVERY word we utter, words give permission to the Satanic and demonic realm to act in our lives.  On Saturday night there was a concert at the sports club across the road from where I live and one of the musicians was belting out at top volume “I am on the highway to hell” with absolutely no comprehension of the curse that he was speaking out over his own life and causing all those at the concert who sang along with him to speak out over their own lives.

Reducing words like “hell” and “damn” and other curse words to “just swear words, nobody takes them seriously” results in a situation in which people are constantly speaking out curses over themselves and others.

Sloppiness with words is a huge source of victory for the forces of darkness, even the greeting “take care” is a curse because it tells the person over whom it is spoken to take a burden of care.

Coupled to this dangerous use of words is the widespread view that we are entitled to have our own views of the Creator, etc with no adverse consequences when the fact is that there is only ONE reality and truth and that is the reality and truth of the Almighty Creator and if we choose to align ourselves with beliefs that are contrary to His ways and will we WILL be condemned on the Day of Judgment.

3.  Lies about sex and virginity in particular

The single most effective lies of Satan are the lies about sex and virginity.  Yah has said that more people will burn in the Lake of Fire for transgressing these laws than for any other transgression.

Yah created women as virgins.  The shedding of blood associated with the taking of virginity causes a blood covenant to come into existence.  This covenant can only be broken under very specific circumstances with very specific prayers.

In the absence of these prayers and circumstances any other man who has intercourse with that woman commits adultery with her and they will both burn for at least a season in the Lake of Fire.

Note that it is technically possible for a man to take the virginity of more than one woman and that the doctrine of forced monogamy is therefore false. In practice in this age men and women are mostly incapable of entering into a covenant relationship with multiple women but this does not alter the fact that the Almighty created man and woman to be able to do this.

Coupled to this is the lie that the Pastor / Priest / Rabbi / Magistrate / Mullah / whoever, has the authority to proclaim a man and woman husband and wife even when the woman is in covenant with another man who took her virginity.  These people who take this official right on themselves will face particularly harsh judgment for having misrepresented their authority.

Compounding the above, sexual love making is highly pleasurable and therefore just about all human beings actively desire it and at some level seek it – there is a point at which sexual desire becomes almost impossible to resist.  Many religious groupings adopt puritanical standards that ultimately lead to people discarding the truths of the religion together with the false teachings about sexual love making.

4.  Lies told by leaders

At one end of the extreme we have the lie which says that an individual can believe whatever suits then with no adverse consequences -- at the other extreme, which is the vast majority of people, people abdicate their responsibility for what they believe in favour of belonging to some religious grouping and simply believing what the Pastor / Prophet / Priest / Rabbi / Mullah / whoever teaches them, oblivious to the fact that on the Day of Judgment we will each stand before the Judgment Seat ALONE and give account for our lives and what we believed.  The people who led others astray with their false teachings WILL be subject to a harsher judgment but those who followed them will ALSO be judged individually.

5.  Lies about the name of the Creator

The true Name of the Almighty Creator is “Yah the eternally self-existing” or “Yah” as His essential name.  Calling Him God, or the LORD, or Elohim, or Allah, or Hashem or G_d or whatever is an insult to him and breaks the third commandment AND opens the door for Satan to steal the worship and obeisance due to Yah because these other names have pagan or other roots and are NOT valid names for the Almighty.

For many years Yah DID extend grace to those who used these wrong names but at the turn of the millennium that grace was withdrawn and those who use those names today are worshipping Satan and / or demons and will be judged accordingly.

In addition, many people use derivatives of “Yah” for “yes” or use names like “” on the Internet or “Yah” as a new Internet Service – all of these uses of words that sound like Yah or Yahooeh are blasphemous and will result in at least a part in the Lake of Fire.

6.  Lies about the bible and other books

Many people believe that “The Bible is the Word of God”, this is false, the bible is simply a collection of writings, some of which are to some degree inspired by Yah or about the lives of people who at some level served Yah but it is NOT THE WORD of Yah or anything that approximates that.  Yah has inspired billions of pages and it is a gross insult to limit Him to one “little book” (His words to me).

Building huge and complex teachings on the semantic interpretation of text in the bible is a massive mistake; the same applies to other books, like the Quran which are accorded similar reverence.

7.  Lies about Jesus and the Trinity

In the “Christian” area one of the most pervasive lies is the lie that Jesus is God and that there is a Trinity.

Firstly, his name was Yahooshua, which means “Yah is salvation” so, by the very definition of his name, Yahooshua was NOT Yah.

Secondly, he was a human being, the result of a creative miracle much LESS significant than the creative miracle whereby Adam was created or the miracle whereby Chavah {Eve} was created – yes, he WAS filled with the Spirit of Yah and thus Yah spoke through him and performed miracles through him but that same anointing is available to YOU today IF you will truly seek Yah fully.

Thirdly, “Trinity” is a pagan, that is Satanic, concept.

8.  Lies about set-apart {holy} days and other days

Another suite of pervasive lies relate to the set-apart {holy} days, the seventh day Sabbath (Saturday), Passover, Pentecost, the Day of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, the Feast of Tabernacles (particularly the first and eighth days) – we are commanded to observe all of these and will be judged severely every time we break any or all of these Sabbaths.

In addition, there are the false Sabbaths of Sunday, Christmas and Easter, all of which are pagan and all of which give honour to Satan and his demons and all of which carry judgment if we observe them in any shape or form.

9.  Lies about the Ten Commandments in general

Finally there are all the other lies relating to the Ten Commandments which are broken wholesale by just about every religious grouping on the planet today.  Because of the lies listed above most people actually believe that they are KEEPING the Ten Commandments.  At the simplest level there is a commandment “thou shalt NOT bear false witness”, in other words “do NOT lie”, Revelation 21:8 states that “ALL liars … shall have a part in the Lake of Fire” – so as long as Satan can get us to believe any of these lies he is starting to become mighty one {god} over us.


All of these lies separate human beings from the Almighty Creator, lead them into sin and set them up to burn for at least a part of eternity (Revelation 21:8) or be utterly destroyed in the fire.  There is much information relating to the subjects discussed above on my websites – see links below.

May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.

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2011.05.03 - Pastors – the Prison Warders of Yah's people

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About a week ago while worshipping Father gave me the title for this article "Pastors – the Prison Warders of Yah's people".

You might be shocked at this, after all, we have been trained to treat our Pastor with great respect, to submit to him or her, etc.

We know of people who have been kicked out of church for disagreeing with the Pastor, you might even have gone down that road yourself, you might even have been publicly condemned from the pulpit?


I have, more than once, because I dared to give unpopular messages from Daddy Yah to someone in an assembly who took exception to it.

As an example, many years ago Father told me to give a message to a church council which had suspended the Pastor because he had had an affair with a young lady in the church and told him to cut off all ties with the young woman who had been his mistress for four years.  Yah told me to tell them that this woman was the second wife of the Pastor and that they were sinning grievously by telling him to put away his second wife for no reason and he should take her back publicly and deal with the consequences.  I sent them a detailed message from Yah by fax.

That Sunday, I was still going to church on Sunday's then, there was a visiting preacher, I expected problems so we snuck in late and sat at the back of the church.  Suddenly the visiting preacher stopped, looked straight at us and called us to the front. The main video camera was right next to us and zoomed in on us while the visiting preacher declared in front of the entire congregation that Yah was well pleased with us for being obedient to His will.  As this message was being given the cameraman collapsed under the power of the Spirit of Yah so the camera remained focussed on us for the entire prophecy.  At the end the visiting preacher anointed us.

Despite this powerful confirmation that the message I had given was from Yah I received a phone call telling me we were no longer welcome in the church and the video mysteriously disappeared and never made it into the bookshop.

Such episodes are quite common in the lives of those who really seek to do Yah's will in the prophetic ministry.

In fact, if you hold yourself to be a spokesman of Yah {prophet} and you have not been kicked out of a few churches you need to check out what is going wrong in your life! 

Something that the church does very well is to "protect the sheep" – the sheep are the human beings who have not been to bible school and not been ordained by a recognized ministry – problem is that if you have been a sheep for more than a few months today Yah wants to use you and send you out into your own ministry in some shape or form.

Furthermore, NOWHERE does it say "submit to your Pastor" – reality is that the shepherd or teacher {pastor} is lesser in rank than the emissary {apostle} and the inspired spokesman {prophet}  -- 1 Corinthians 12:28 "And Yah {God} hath set some in the church, first emissaries {apostles}, secondarily inspired spokesmen {prophets}, thirdly teachers {pastors}, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues" KJV

It is NOT the responsibility of the pastor to intellectually determine if someone has come from Yah, it is their responsibility to ask Yah if that person is from Him and give them the platform that Yah ordains, even if they find the message hard and unpalatable.

One of the greatest sins of Pastors today is that they get between Yah and the people and act as censors and demand that people remain under their covering but they accept no responsibility for their error and do not receive correction except on the most trivial issues.

Many Pastors today are regrettably an illustration of the reality that many nice Christians will end up burning in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone for part or all of eternity, they exhibit all the faults that Yahooshua castigated the Scribes and Pharisees for in his time.

They subscribe to the lies they are taught in bible school, the pagan traditions with regard to the Names of the Almighty, the Sunday Sabbath, the Cross, the Bible, Christmas and Easter, monogamy, the disregard for virginity, etc and so, those who follow them for the most part are ALSO condemned to the Lake of Fire for part or all of eternity at the risk of being kicked out of the church if they do not submit.

If any teacher or other person, is preaching any message other than draw close to Yah, set yourself apart, rigorously clean up your life and learn to hear His voice clearly and be instantly obedient to it then you need to ask where that message is coming from.

If their message is in any shape or form – "I have been to bible school, listen to what I say and do not question me" they are to be avoided.

Today there is only one answer, each of us must draw as close to Yah as they can, by all means use the teachings of those who have gone before you on the road to help guide you but at the end of the day YOU MUST DISCERN the correct road for yourself.

This is one reason why all my past writings, over 700 articles are posted on the old website without any editing or censoring by me – I am not sure what is accurate and what is inaccurate amongst those articles – there are items I consider that I know to be inaccurate today but, at the end of the day, it is up to those who visit that site to get close to Yah and find out what they should take on and what they should ignore.

The same goes for what I am publishing currently, it is up to YOU to get close to Yah and sift out the chaff and the dross in my writings – after all, I am not perfect and if I knew it was dross it would not be there, would it? – only Yah and Yahooshua are perfect, TURN TO YAH FOR TRUTH!


I urge you to cease looking to men for your salvation, Yah is salvation (Yahooshua means Yah is salvation).

May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.

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2011.05.01 - Some challenging questions

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I received an email a few days ago from one of the people on the list who asked me a series of challenging questions, these are listed below together with my answers:

Can you please give some answers to the following questions?

  1. Following the article on “Passover”. The entire world celebrated Passover in the April 24, why in the you wrote that the Passover has to start on April 18  which was 6 days before the 24?Do we all time have to observe Passover 6 days before the date were everyone celebrates it?

>>> The date of Passover is determined based on the new moon, the sacrifice was to be made in the evening on the 14th day of the month, that is the 14th day after the new moon.

Exodus 12:5-7

5 Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year: ye shall take it out from the sheep, or from the goats:

6 And ye shall keep it up until the fourteenth day of the same month: and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening.

7 And they shall take of the blood, and strike it on the two side posts and on the upper door post of the houses, wherein they shall eat it. KJV

Our calendar is not linked to the moon, accordingly, in terms of the Roman calendar that we use the day of the week of Passover will vary every year associated with the new moon – Passover can be up to a month before or after Easter in some years.

The tradition of Easter that Passover is always the Friday was a consequence of the pagan Roman church harmonizing faith in Yah {the LORD} through Yahooshua {Jesus} with pagan tradition giving pagan tradition the greater say, so the feast of Ishtar, Easter was an existing pagan feast, the Roman church modified it to accommodate remembrance of Yahooshua’s sacrifice in order to make Christianity more palatable to the pagan Romans the modern church owes most of its teachings and traditions to the pagan Roman church going back to about 300 AD.

  1. What is the connection between how the children of Yah were delivered from Egypt and the Passover?

>>> Refer Exodus 12, Passover remembers the sacrifice of the lamb made by the Israelites the night before Yah brought them out of Egypt, they slaughtered the lamb and painted the blood of the lamb on the door posts and lintels of the house so that the angel of death passed over the house when killing the first born of Egypt

They were subsequently commanded to remember this every year and this gives us the day of Passover.

Yahooshua was betrayed the night of Passover and executed the day of Passover, he had assigned to him prophetically by Yahoochanan {John} the substitutionary role of the lamb without spot or blemish referred to above and so instituted a new covenant ordinance that allowed us to take bread and wine (or grape juice) and claim the promises and protection of Yah accordingly instead of sacrificing a lamb.

  1. Please tell me more about Yahooshua dying on the stake because the entire world knows and talks about the cross.

>>> see the extract below from Vine’s Expository Dictionary of the New Testament – Vines provides interpretation of words in the so-called "New Testament" in order that we may better understand what is written in the bible.

So we see that in the Greek text from which most modern bibles are translated the word is Stauros or STAKE and NOT cross at all.  The translators have substituted the word cross for stake in order to make Christianity more palatable to pagan's.

To make it worse, the cross is a pornographic sexual symbol used in demon worship and is derived from the Ankh, which you will see quite widely worn by people, on Egyptian papyrus wall hangings and other items.  Most Christians believe the Ankh is just a form of the Christian cross and see nothing wrong with it while, in practice, it carries demons assigned to it

Picture of Ankh below


The reality is that the Christian cross is a variation of the Ankh NOT the other way round

The upright represents the erect male penis

The cross bar represents the legs of a woman spread open and the loop at the top represents her open vagina made open through intercourse

It is an abomination in the sight of Yah and Yahooshua to depict Yahooshua as executed on a cross and there is strong demonic assignment associated with the cross which is one of many pagan symbols that makes Christianity one of the most pagan religions on earth today

Galatians 3:13 makes it clear that Yahooshua died on a tree or at least a length of tree trunk

Galatians 3:13 the anointed one {Christ} hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: KJV

Notice that it says "hangeth on a TREE", NOT a cross.

  1. What do you mean by defensive prayers?

>>> prayers that give protection such as “Father I thank you in the name of Yahooshua that your messengers {angels} encamp around me to protect me” – I sent out a selection of such prayers in the previous article many of those prayers are defensive and prayers for guidance and leading

These are VITAL prayers to pray

  1. Can you also tell me more about the footstool where Yahooshua enemies need to be put before he can return to earth?

>>> As I understand it the footstool is simply a metaphor for saying that Yahooshua is waiting until we bring his enemies into subjection to Yah and therefore to him, that involves sending demons and fallen messengers to whatever location in the spirit realm that Yah appoints for them when you cast them out

It also requires the restoration of truth so that the full truths of Yah are once again known on earth, that is the primary function of this ministry

  1. In a case where a men has taken a woman virginity but didn’t marry that woman but ended up marrying another virgin woman. What will happen there?

>>> In today’s world he has a problem

In the sight of Yah he is the man {husband} of both of those women, or more than two if he has taken the virginity of more than two, he is responsible before Yah for the welfare of each of them and is responsible to Yah for putting any woman that he has put away into adultery if she has gone with another man

He must approach each woman and ask her to return to him, IF he presents the case carefully and she refuses he then has a basis to ask Father Yah for permission to put her away {divorce} her but if she agrees to return he must find a way to be a man {husband} to each of his women.

In the case above the woman that he has legally married may well object and he may find himself with major problems, Yah expects him to resolve these problems no matter what it costs

  1. If the Sabbath is the Saturday, does that mean a week starts on Sunday? Scientifically can this be proven? And what does the word of Yah tell us about the Sabbath?

>>> If you check any modern calendar you will find that Sunday is the first day of the week, it always has been – there is no record of a missing day that would cause the Sabbath to have shifted from the seventh day to the first day

Yah is quite clear that the Sabbath is the seventh day

Genesis 2:2-3

2 And on the seventh day the Almighty {God} ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.

3 And the Almighty blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which the Almighty created and made. KJV names corrected

Exodus 20:8-12

8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.

9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:

10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of Yah the eternally self-existing your Mighty One {the Lord  thy God}: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:

11 For in six days Yah the eternally self existing  made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore Yah the eternally self existing  blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. KJV names corrected

>>> Sunday is the day of the Sun god and is another pagan day that the early apostate (apostate approximately means compromized with Satan / fallen away) Christian church adopted as part of cutting its ties with the Hebrew roots of the faith and harmonizing with pagan tradition around 300 AD

>>> In response to the following answers the same person replied further:

Thanks for your reply. The issue of the Sabbath is very important as I think we are breaking the commandment of observing the holy day simply because of our ignorance and I think that we need more clarity here. Perhaps you should come out with an article that talks about the Sabbath. Yah created everything in 6 days and he decided to rest on the 7th day. Did Yah started the creation on a Sunday? If this is the case, definitively we are using a wrong calendar.

Colossians 2: 14 – 15 talks about the cross. Which cross it that? I read Galatians 13 : 3 and there it’s all about the stake.

I would like to get some clarity about this point.

>>> to which I replied:

There is a lot about the Saturday Sabbath on the Internet that is why I have not written that much but I will look at putting out something when I get back, YES it is serious, a lot of people are going to burn on the Day of Judgment as a consequence

It is no coincidence that the discovery of Noah’s Ark, the Ark of the Covenant, the Red Sea Crossing site, Mount Sinai and Sodom and Gomorrah were all made by Ron Wyatt a dedicated Seventh Day Adventist who strictly observed the Saturday Sabbath

There is a book called “The Truth About the Sabbath”by Jim Pinkoski that I purchased recently off that sets out the Sabbath story very well, it is not that expensive so worth considering ordering it

Re the cross, apologies, I did not make myself clear in my note, the word translated cross throughout the new testament is the Greek word stauros meaning stake, the translators apparently deliberately mistranslated in order to avoid offending the pagan church – that is the point of the note from Vine’s that I sent you

In other words, wherever you find the word cross in English the Greek says stake!


These points all address some of the numerous errors in the modern Christian church irrespective of denomination or tradition which is why Yah has been telling those who love Him to get out of the church for many years.

May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.

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Dr James Robertson, emissary and spokesman of Yah, founder of End Time Issue Ministries

Dr James A Robertson is called as an emissary {Apostle} and spokesman {prophet} of Yah, the Almighty Creator and has been set-apart for a number of years writing and publishing what he believes that the Almighty has said to him.

Read more >

Contact James at


An Engineering approach to the matters of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose true name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing

By "engineering approach" is meant rigorous, precise, verified, tested, proven, questioning, critical, investigative, scientific, analytical, evolving, improving practical, no nonsense, learn from mistakes, intolerant of sloppiness, realistic, REAL



Random Selection of Articles Published on the End Time Issue Ministries Mailing List Since the Day of Atonement 2009

2013.03.07 Judgement in THIS Life

I constantly encounter sincere believers who are experiencing loss or difficulty

As a group many really committed believers in South Africa are experiencing difficulty, some are in poverty, others are suffering injuries and other losses

Fundamentally it is written that "Satan roams around like a roaring lion seeking whom he MAY devour"

Most people focus on the roaming and the lion when, in fact, it is the permissive "MAY" that should receive maximum attention

The forces of darkness require sin in our lives in order to attack us -- this article discusses the principles and mechanisms that apply

May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you.

2011.08.07 What IS inspiration?

Many people believe the bible is 100% the "word of God and without error", what exactly IS inspiration?

2011.03.12 This evil generation

Most of the miracles in the church today, and most of the answered prayers, are being delivered by the forces of darkness

2009.12.02 How special is Yahooshua REALLY?

Discussion of why Yahooshua achieved what he achieved without priviledge

2012.10.04 Worship Part 1

It has been on my heart for some time to share the details of the worship songs that I have used as my core worship resource for many years and which have assisted me to draw close to Yah.

This is the first of a series of articles with details of those songs with the lyrics, some commentary and links to copies of the song.

2013.11.05 Headlines of the walk of James Robertson with the Almighty Creator

I am regularly challenged by people on this list regarding my statements that "the Almighty says" or "Yah says", etc

Some months ago, having been travelling constantly for several months and moved to London, NOT having worshipped regularly, etc I wrote an article that was prideful -- you may have received it

Yah blocked it after it had gone to a few people and then judged me severely

After I had repented He gave me a severe rebuke that lasted for about half an hour while I was on my knees and I then published a retraction

I immediately focussed on getting closer to Him, restoring the anointing that had drained, and dealing with the other issues that He had raised with me

I am now on my fourth three day fast and confident that the problem of a few months ago is well behind me

Some weeks ago Father had me write a new document simply factually summarizing my walk with Him and who I believe myself to be with Him

This is presented below

He has now instructed me to send it to the list

For all who doubt i counsel caution and fasting and I ask that you consider the possibility that since I constantly ask Yah to judge me that I AM hearing Him accurately most of the time

2012.11.11 The Majority is ALWAYS Wrong

The world is dominated and ruled by the forces of darkness which hate truth and love error, the majority opinion with regard to the things of the Almight is ALWAYS wrong.

2011.01.12 Brother can you spare a dime?

A discussion of the reasons why so many true believers are in severe financial lack

2010.12.05a On What Day Was Yahooshua {Jesus} Born?

Yahooshua {Jesus} was NOT born on 25 December...

This article explains the basis on which the correct birth date of Yahooshua {Jesus} is determined

WHY Believe in the Almighty Creator and seek relationship with Him

IF YOU do NOT believe that the Almighty Creator exists and therefore do NOT have a personal relationship with Him you face a terrible fate when you COULD be blessed for eternity

The Creator has said regarding YOU "why would I want someone to spend eternity with me when they do NOT believe I exist?

Please go immediately to the WHY Believe page and give careful consideration to what is presented there

IF you have a DEEP inner conviction of the reality of the Creator, in other words you claim to be a "believer", but you do NOT have a deep personal relationship with Him such that He speaks to you clearly and regularly and you seek His guidance in every area of your life then He has said of you “why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great authority, if they do NOT have a deep personal relationship with me and have NOT proven to me that they can be trusted?”

Please go immediately to the Relationship with Yah page


This site is growing

As the site grows we from time to time add blocks of new pages which may NOT contain content for a while -- please accept my apologies for the inconvenience, you may find the information you require elsewhere on the site, alternatively email me for the information you are seeking
Note that words in curly brackets {} are words that although they are in common use are inaccurate in terms of the matters of the Almighty and should therefore be avoided

The Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, says: "It is time to choose -- will you be my friend, or my foe? -- there is NO middle ground!"

Yah says further:

"Ultimately THE AIM of this entire experiment is to find those who will make the sacrifices necessary to become My FRIENDS -- NOTHING is more important"
"A friend is one who is concerned about the well-being of the one they call friend and desires to treat that person as they would be treated -- HOW do you choose to treat Me?"
"True friendship is about what you can GIVE -- NOT what you can GET! -- what are YOU prepared to give Me (Yah)?"
"A true friend seeks to know ALL truth about the one whom they call friend AND to help others to know that truth -- Do YOU know the truth about me? Do YOU care?"
"In this age I (Yah) am MASSIVELY CONSTRAINED by the 'Rules of Engagement' in terms of what I can say and do EXCEPT through those true friends and true servants who will do the necessary work to KNOW my will AND proclaim it AND action it"
"There is NO greater love than that a man should lay down his life for his friend! -- Will YOU lay down your life for Me?"
"Technically a martyr is one who lays down their life for Me, NOT necessarily in physical death but also by sacrificing their comfort and well being in favour of doing MY will -- will you do ALL that it takes to serve Me and love Me as your friend, NO MATTER what it costs you? -- Will you be a martyr for Me by your way of living?"
"My true friends take time to spend quality time with Me daily and communicate with Me and consult Me constantly"
"Why Believe?
"Because if you do NOT you WILL find that when you die you are forced to serve and worship Satan for ever or at least until the day the winner of the 'The Contest' is adjudicated
"Realize that serving Satan after you die could be a really HORRIBLE experience, particularly IF you regard yourself as a GOOD person!"
"Imagine what it will be like as an ancestor spirit (demon) knowing the truth about the lies you believed and watching your loved ones making the same mistakes and believing the same lies that you believed and being unable to do anything about it!"
"Imagine what it will be like when you discover that you are irrevocably locked into the same dispensation that is behind the most barbaric and savage cultures on earth"
"IF you are a 'GOOD' person: when you die you may find yourself secretly hoping that Satan WILL lose 'The Contest' so that you can be cast into the Lake of Fire and utterly consumed in a moment of torment and terror, rather than being a participant in the progressive degradation of the human race into utter depravity, barbarism and perversion! -- and yet you will be POWERLESS to do anything about it!"
"The consequences of dying without a PROFOUND realization of my (Yah's) existence AND a DEEP life changing decision to serve Me is too ghastly to contemplate IF you take the trouble to REALLY understand the truth about the world you live in!"
"Imagine what it will be like to be a demon (ancestor spirit) riding on your favourite grandchild and watching them participate in the same empty rituals and mouthing the same meaningless platitudes that you practised during your life and being UNABLE to warn them of the terrible destiny that they are locking themselves into!"
"A person who reaches the end of their life as my TRUE FRIEND, one who has progressed from 'Wise Steward', to 'Good and Faithful Servant', to 'Overcomer' and ultimately to 'Friend' will receive rewards and authority of unimaginable splendour including a high throne, status and apparel that is far beyond anything that even the most powerful rulers on earth have ever dreamed of, let alone experienced -- contrast this with the other extreme -- an angry and depraved ancestor spirit (demon) desperately seeking favour in a kingdom where favour is a lesser level of torment and the right to exercise greater control and depravity over those less inclined to serve Satan and his Masterminds  wholeheartedly"
"Do YOU REALLY want to be part of a kingdom where the tortured murder of infants is regarded as one of the highest privileges of rank?"
"The evidence is ALL around you IF you have eyes to see -- the choice is CLEAR -- a Kingdom of beauty, love (chesed) and benign power or a kingdom of atrocities and perversion, a kingdom that regards torture and tormented and protracted death of human sacrifices followed by cannibalism, preferably while the victim still lives, as the HIGHEST form of worship?"
"It is TIME for those who still have some smattering of knowledge of me and my ways to STOP playing games with Satan and start taking back this earth while there is STILL TIME -- it is time for believers to STOP marrying unbelievers and allowing their children to marry unbelievers,, it is TIME to STOP marrying those from Satan worshipping cultures, and to STOP welcoming them into your homes, your cities and your lands -- it is time to STOP acceding to Satanic demands that you cast ME (The Almighty) out of your schools, your halls of Government and your workplaces -- it is TIME to publicly open the day with worship and prayer to me, whether in your places of education, your places of Government or your places of work -- it is TIME to cast out those who will NOT comply instead of being cast out and secretively serving me behind locked doors and, IF you CANNOT set apart that place of learning, or government or work then EXIT PUBLICLY and DECLARE your reasons and gather together with those who WILL agree with you in these matters for it is so that in the spirit one TRUE believer FREE OF SIN can put 1,000 to flight and two can put 10,000 to flight and the power of TRUE BELIEVERS who choose to deal with ALL their sin and live in ALL truth is such that massive transformation IS possible -- note the impact of Noah, Abraham, Moshe {Moses}, Yahooshua {Jesus}, Mohammed and Luther -- YOU TOO can bring about RADICAL reformation and renaissance IF you will lay down your life and seek DEEP and ENDURING FRIENDSHIP with Me!"
"IF you believe, it is TIME to assess exactly WHAT you believe about me and then ACT accordingly!"
"IF you do NOT believe, it is time to assess EXACTLY what you DO believe and then act accordingly!"
"There is NO place for fence sitters -- YOU are either FOR me or by default you are AGAINST ME!"
"Know this -- IF you choose to be a TRUE friend, which means you deal with ALL sin and ALL error and do ALL that is required to ensure that your house is FULLY united behind you the forces of darkness CANNOT TOUCH YOU -- BUT, IF you play games and continue to dabble in your favourite sins and errors in your divided house the forces of darkness will TEAR you limb from limb and UTTERLY destroy you -- there has NEVER been a time in all the history of man on earth where life above sin and total unity of your house has been more important!"
"IF you choose to serve ME (Yah), understand that you are choosing a VERY strait and VERY narrow path leading to a VERY small door -- gird your loins and FOLLOW the example of the mighty set-apart ones of previous generations!"

Footnote: ALL the above references to "friend" relate to people like you and me seeking to become true friends of Yah, the Almighty Creator

About names, words, etc

The majority of visitors to this site will encounter names and words they are NOT familiar with

It is a harsh reality that the true Name of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose true Name is "Yah the eternally self-existing" has been concealed as have all the important names, laws, commandments, principles and concepts

What is taught by the "Christian" church is almost entirely incorrect as is the case with EVERY religion

This website seeks to present these truths for your prayerful consideration and adoption -- see the prayers elsewhere in this side bar for more information on what to pray

Key names and words that are used throughout this site and which are fundamentally important are:

The true Name of the Almighty Creator is "Yah the eternally self-existing", frequently translated as "Yahweh", more accurately "Yahooeh"

The name of the man commonly known as "Jesus" is "Yahooshua" meaning "Yah is salvation"

The commonly used names of "God", "The LORD", "Christ", "Jesus" are ALL of pagan, that is Satanic origin and the Almighty has only responded to these names as an act of Grace, this Grace has now been withdrawn


Business Interests -- James A Robertson and Associates -- The ERP Doctor

In addition to this ministry I operate a management consulting business specializing in the strategic application of computer based business information systems - a business in which Father has taught me many leading edge concepts, principles and methods


My logo is based on Professor Malcolm McDonald's strategy -- tactics matrix -- strategy, doing the right things horizontally and tactics, doing things right on the vertical axis -- if your organization does the right things well, it will thrive -- top right quadrant -- this is a fundamental principles when it comes to the matters of the Almighty as well

In my consulting work I seek to enable my clients to do the right things well

I regard Father as my partner, Chairman, counselor and I seek to conduct business in a way that is pleasing to Him, within the context of prayer that He will judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve Him more perfectly


I truly believe that Father has given me extremely high value knowledge and experience which will enable your organization, be it commercial, governmental or non-governmental to be more effective and efficient in its operations and, IF profit is your measuring stick, more profitable



I am based in London, United Kingdom and can be contacted for business purposes on

Articles on this site


The Creator Desires a Deep Relationship with YOU

Seven Components in Growing Close to Yah

Recommended Worship

Where will YOU Spend Eternity?

WHY Believe in the Almighty Creator and seek relationship with Him

What Actually Happens when someome comes to believe

The First Eight Days after first believing in the Creator

Triple Immersion as a powerful means of cleansing

Fasting as a vital component of being a believer

Worship is essential in drawing close to the Almighty

What to Read once you have come to belief

The First Year after coming to belief

Those who come to limited belief initially

Those who come to limited belief initially

The TRUE Name of the Creator is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing

The TRUE Names of the Almighty in the Bible -- Detailed Analysis -- Abstract

Objective, Technical Notes And Technical Caveat

Words Translated "God"

Names Including Yah

Further Words Which Refer To Yah

Names Including Yah

Additional Words Which Relate To Yah

Instances Of Jehovah And Jah = Yah In The Hebrew Lexicon Of The Online Bible

Instances Of Yah In The Hebrew Lexicon Of The Online Bible

Closure Regarding The Name Of Yah

This website is the culmination of applying Engineering Principles to the matters of the Almighty Creator since 1993

Yah, the Creator, desires to have deep personal relationships with people who become His friends

Creator Desires Deep Relationship

7 Components of Growing Close to Yah

Recommended Worship

Where will YOU Spend Eternity?


About James Robertson -- An engineering approach to religion and knowledge of the Most High Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, Yah the eternally self-existing

Headlines of the walk of James Robertson with the Almighty Creator (Yah the Eternally Self-Existing)

About End Time Issue Ministries

James Robertson's Business interests -- James A Robertson and Associates Limited -- Executive Level Consulting with Regard to the Effective High Value Application of Business Information Systems

What to do if you disagree with me

Our Logo

Building a close relationship with Yah the Eternally Self Existing, the Almighty Creator

Key Principles with regard to relationship with Yah

Why are we here?

Stages in the Relationship with the Almighty Creator

The Anointing of the Spirit of the Almighty

Worship of the Almighty

Prayer and petition to the Almighty

Prayer in agreement

Fasting as a vital component of drawing close to the Almighty

Hearing Yah

Judge me Severely and correct me harshly

Yah's Emotions -- He has feelings too

Daddy Yah is LONELY please talk to Him and use His true Name

Did YOU bring JOY to your Daddy Today?

Seeking to live a Life WITHOUT Sin

Overcoming and a High Throne

The Continuum between Yah and Satan

Drawing Closer to Yah

Drawing Close to Yah

Chesed = Covenant Love

Yah's Still Small Voice

Visions and Dreams

What IS Inspiration?

If Yah is moving Hold your Peace

The Authority of Believers

Obedience is a vital element of relationship

If you love Yah keep His commandments

You are NOT a glove puppet you ARE accountable

Sacrifice -- The Death of the Stake

Death with Yahooshua

Further Principles relating to Relationship with Yah

Who to Listen To

Even the highly anointed are falling away

Yah is everywhere

Relationship with Yah NOT worship of intellect

The Majority is ALWAYS Wrong

Specific Messages from the Almighty

Yah speaks to James

Yah speaks to the Church

Yah speaks to Believers Generally

Yah speaks to South Africa

Yah speaks to the World

Yah calls His Servants NOT Man

Yah works through His anointed ones

What IS Inspiration?

The Seventy Facets of Yah's Jewelled Words

A Guide to Receiving Personal Prophecy

Seek Truth

Seek Truth NOT Error

Yah's Commandments are BEST

Important Truths

Satan's Most Effective Lies

Pastors and the Church

The Contest

Rules of Engagement

Yah HAS to work through sons of Adam

Satan HAS to work through sons of Adam

The Forces of Darkness Rule on Earth and Yah is Constrained to act through believers

The REAL battle is between the highly anointed versus the highly illuminated ones

Descent into ALL Error

Yahooshua led a Life without Sin

Satan to the Pit

Recovering Lost Truth

A Son of Adam on the Last Day

IF Satan Wins the Contest

IF Satan Loses

Who ARE "Demons"

The Masterminds

Illuminated versus Anointed

Satan's Devices

Combat in the Heavenly Realm

Yah could do MUCH more in earlier years

All authority and dominion on earth has been given to humans, Yah and Satan are constrained to act through them


What IS Hell?

Why IS Hell?

Visits to Hell

Korean Artist

Bill Weise

Angelica Zambrano

Choo Thomas

No one is intentionally going to hell

There are good decent people in hell

Satan rules the world through the leadership of Demonic Masterminds and human Satan Servants

Satan to Pit 2003


Recommended Worship


Important Prayers

The Most Important Prayers


What IS Covenant?

The Blood of a Covenant Means Death to the Person who breaks the Covenant

Covenant between Man and Woman

Tattoos and Piercings


The Importance of Words

Words that Kill

Words that Bring Life

Right Confession

Words with Pagan / Satanic Impact

Words are Spiritual


Take Care is a Curse




The Bible

What to Read Instead

Old Testament versus New Testament

"The WORD" is Semantic Nonsense

The bible is the most pervasive idol

Diverse Articles relevant to the discussion about the Bible

The Essence of the issues relating to the Bible

Positive aspects of “The Bible”

Summing up re “The Bible”

About the Bible

The Arrogance of Christian Ignorance

Relationship with the Almighty NOT Worship of Intellect

Getting close to Yah Appropriate prayer and fasting are VITAL (the answer to doctrinal differences)

IF the Bible IS corrupt then WHAT do I do?

Satan’s Lies – Response to Rebuttal

“The bible is a corrupt book compiled by corrupt men”

The Majority is ALWAYS Wrong

Further Articles relevant to the discussion about the Bible -- Section 2

Bible study versus deep relationship

Demonically inspired bible versions -- rebuttal

Demonically inspired bible versions

Believers who abdicate their intellect

Your Heavenly Account

The contents of the bible are but a pin prick in the history of mankind

Clarification re THE WORD

New Testament? No No No

Further Articles relevant to the discussion about the Bible -- Section 3

Yah is at SOME measure in EVERY book (and so is Satan through his demons)

Clarification -- there IS good in the bible

The King James Version of the bible is NOT THE definitive English translation

Yah works through His anointed prophets NOT committees

The origin of the Christian bible

Those who followed Yahooshua did NOT know Torah

What IS inspiration?

The seventy facets of Yah's jeweled words

Further Articles relevant to the discussion about the Bible -- Section 4

The bible IS a useful reference work – period

Covenant – NOT New Testament

James: What do YOU believe about the bible? REALLY?

Pastors – the Prison Warders of Yah's people

Why Yah could do much greater works thousands of years ago (level of anointing and level of prayer)

Proof of a Global Flood -- Turning history on its head

Where will YOU spend eternity?

Are visions precise and free of error?

Understanding Satan's devices

Clergy versus laity

The Name of Yah in the book {bible}

The TRUE Names of the Almighty in the Bible -- Summary

What is the origin and the purpose of man? -- creation versus evolution

Older Articles -- Prior to 2009

Conclusion -- The Bible is NOT what is claimed for it

Yah (The Almighty) says that the bible is "the Greatest Idol" on earth today

Anointed Life

Anointed Life Part 1

What or Who IS an Anointed One?

Worship is Critical

Filled with the Spirit of Yah

Led by the Spirit of Yah

Guardian Messengers {Angels}


Death with Yahooshua

The Mind of Yah



Supply of Needs

Poverty in the Body of Believers

Anointed Life Part 2

Power Anointing

In the World NOT OF the World

Yah is everywhere

The Race

The Armour

Trust and Belief


Your Heavenly Account


Anointed Life Part 3

Good and Faithful Servant


Angelo beggar on a high throne

Authority of Believer

Works that Yahooshua did



Immersion NOT Baptism

Tearing Down Strongholds

The Battle

Spiritual Warfare

The 144,000

Single Anointed Women

Anointed Life Part 4









Let your Yes be Yes


Judge me Severely and correct me Harshly that I may serve You more perfectly

Seek Truth NOT Error

Anointed Life Part 5

Man and Woman in Harmony


Right Confession

Four phases of the Wilderness

Critical Success Factors for Life

Highly Anointed Ones Make Mistakes and Sin

Even the highly anointed are falling away



Body Mind and Spirit


Believe in Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty

Chesed {love} the Almighty with all your heart, mind, soul and strength

Yah is ONE

Who IS Yah?

Who IS Yahooshua?

Who IS Satan?

Demonic "gods"

No Trinity

NO Idols

Not Worship the Bible

Not Worship Jesus

Not Worship Cross

Not Worship People

Not Worship Things

Name Yah NOT in Vain


Yes in Afrikaans and German

True Names

Keep Sabbaths

Day Begins at Sunrise

True Sabbath Saturday Sunrise

New Moons

1st Aviv

Pesach -- Passover

Shavuot -- Pentecost

Yom Teruah -- Day of Trumpets

Yom Kippur -- Day of Atonement

Sukkot -- Tabernacles 1st Day

Sukkot -- Tabernacles Great Day

False Sabbaths

Levites BREAK the Sabbath

Chesed {love} your Neighbor as yourself

Honor Parents


Curse Mother or Father and Die

NOT Old Age Homes

NO Murder

NO Abortion

NO Abortive Contraception

Death Penalty for Murder

WHY Death Penalty?

NO False Teachings

Anal intercourse is valid birth control

NO Adultery

What IS Adultery?

Breaking Covenant / Treachery


Male with Male

Female with Female


Serial Polygamy



Chick Flicks are Pornography TOO


Phone / Skype Sex

Oral and Anal Sex

Church Marriage

False Monogamy

NO Stealing

Most Prosperity Teaching is Fraud

Fraudulent Contracts

Misrepresentation in Sales

Outright Theft


NO False Witness or Lying

False Teaching by Church

False Teaching in Other Religions

Misrepresentation in Sales

White Lies

ALL Liars will burn

Believe Lies and Die

NO Coveting or Lusting



Most Adverts

Valentines Heart

Lust is visible in the spirit realm

The MARK of the Beast

All of the 10 Commandments as well as the Principal Commandment have been almost universally broken and made of NO effect

The Satanic

The Satanic Part 1

Who is Satan

Fallen Messenger

Principalities, Powers, Thrones, Dominions, etc

We wrestle NOT against flesh and blood

Combat in the Heavenly Realm

The Forces of Darkness Reign and Yah is constrained to act through believers

Illuminated Ones



Ancestor Spirits {Demons}


If Jesus is living in your heart you have a problem

The Satanic Part 2


Take Care is a Curse

Secret Societies

Free Masonry

The Authority of the Believer


Satan's Most Effective Lies

Lilith Adam's first wife

The Satanic Part 3

Treachery is a Spiritual Force

The Peace of Satan

Fear is Faith in the Satanic

Tsunami of Evil Covers the Planet

Satans Devices

What is REALLY happening

Satan sentenced to one thousand years in the Pit on 3 May 2003

Power from drinking blood

Power from eating human flesh

Power from murder

Satanic Dominion

General Satanic

True Names




Mighty One


My Darling Mighty One


Anointing of Yah


Other True Names

The TRUE name of the prophet from Nazareth is "Yahooshua" NOT "Jesus"

Blasphemous Names

Grace withdrawn






Other Incorrect Names



NOT Christ

True Sabbaths

Day Begins at Sunrise

True Sabbath Saturday Sunrise

New Moons

1st Aviv

Pesach -- Passover

Shavuot -- Pentecost

Yom Teruah -- Day of Trumpets

Yom Kippur -- Day of Atonement

Sukkot -- Tabernacles 1st Day

Sukkot Great Day

Year of Jubilee

Saturday is the 7th day of the week and is Yah's true weekly Sabbath

Satanic Feasts



On what day was Yahooshua born?


New Year

Valentine's Day

Other Satanic Feasts

Sunday Sabbath

Sunday is the Pagan day of the Sun god and is NOT appropriate for worshipping Yah, the Almighty Creator

Christmas is a Pagan Feast and is an abomination in the sight of the Almighty Creator

Yahooshua died on a Stake NOT a Cross

It is NOT Baptism it is Immersion

The Coninuum between Good and Evil


True Religion

The Great Falling Away

Even the highly anointed are falling away

Seek Truth NOT Error

The End of the Age



Most Christians are NOT Anointed Ones

The Church put Yahooshua to Death

If Jesus is living in your heart you have a problem

Clergy versus Laity

Judgement on the church of Jesus Christ

Planet X Nibiru


Believers who Beg

History Revisited

This Evil Generation

Christian Denominations

Roman Catholic


Jehovah's Witnesses




Who IS Allah

Other Religions

The Inquisitions have had a major impact on believers today

The upsurge of civilization following the Reformation, that is the Renaissance, masks the long term degradation of human beings over time

The turnaround prophets of history are Noah, Moshe, Yahooshua, Mohammed and Luther -- we need to understand their role to understand the world today

The True Religion of the Almighty Creator, Yah, is a synthesis of, and bracketed by, Judaism, Christianity and Islam

Christianity has from the outset compromized with paganism and almost every doctrine of Christianity is fatally corrupt and does NOT define the Creator

Tithes are Invalid in this age

Judaism is one of the three main religions serving the Creator

Islam is the third of the main religions serving the Creator


Yahooshua Part 1

Who IS Yahooshua

Yahooshua IS the mightiest CREATED being in the entire creation

Yahooshua was an OLD Testament Prophet

How DID Yahooshua Accomplish what he did?

Thank Yah that the Jews Killed Jesus

Why Yahooshua HAD to die THAT way

Father forgive them they do not know what they are doing

My Darling why have You forsaken me?

The Covenant of Yahooshua

As oft as you eat it in remembrance of Yahooshua

Death with Yahooshua

Yahooshua Part 2

Yahooshua is WAITING for his enemies to be made his footstool

What IS special about Yahooshua?

Yahooshua will return once the true message has been preached to ALL the earth

The Church put Yahooshua to Death

Authority IN the Name of Yahooshua

LIMITATIONS in the Name of Yahooshua

The Blood of the Covenant

Who Yahooshua is NOT

Old Testament versus New Testament

On what day was Yahooshua born?

Those who followed Yahooshua did NOT know Torah

Greater Works than Yahooshua did

There is NO Trinity

Yahooshua is NOT the ONLY way

The man Yahooshua, commonly called Jesus was and is a human being and is NOT the Creator

Yahooshua, commonly called "Jesus" will only return around 3003 and is NOT "coming soon"

The Great Falling Away is right now


Judgment in THIS Life

Judgment of Believers Who Die

Judgment of Unbelievers Who Die

The Day of Judgment

High Throne with Yahooshua

The Outer Darkness in Heaven

The Foolish Virgins in Heaven

The Lake of Fire and Brimstone

Satan to the Pit for a Thousand Years

Judgement on the church of Jesus Christ

Judgment at the End of the Age

Yahooshua is WAITING UNTIL his enemies are made his FOOTSTOOL

Yahooshua will return when the true message has been preached to ALL the world

No one is intentionally going to Hell

Few people are intending to become demons

Obedience as a Basis of Judgement

Judgment THIS Life





Judge me Severely and Correct me Harshly that I may serve You more Perfectly

Believing Men in Lack

Highly anointed ones also make mistakes and sin


Burn for Eternity Yes? or No?

Where will YOU Spend Eternity?

Part 1 of the eBook -- Where will YOU Spend Eternity?

A Critical Question

An Important Caveat

Where will YOU Spend Eternity?

A Vital question: Do we know what sin is? - What is the essence of Judgment?

Cause for Concern - Nearly ALL of mankind is breaking most of the commandments

Part 2 of the eBook -- Where will YOU Spend Eternity?

Is there an alternative? -- can one aspire to a High Throne?

It is NOT just heaven or the lake of fire, there is a continuum

It IS POSSIBLE to overcome

What indicators are there about pleasing the Almighty?

How do we overcome? What is the Price?

Some challenging passages from The Final Quest

Joyner's experience of the Judgment


The Final Quest by Rick Joyner

Yah speaks on Rick Joyner

The Call by Rick Joyner

Critical Success Factors for Life

Creation versus Evolution -- What is the Origin and Purpose of Man?

Engineered Creation

Sexual reproduction proves there is a Creator

Part 1 of the book What is the origin and purpose of man


An important assumption and some painful deductions

Some important preparatory points

Use of statistics from

Argument from Incredulity

Progressive development versus Instantaneous Creation

Other religions and spirits

Some other issues with certain religious views of creation

What next?

Part 2 of the book What is the origin and purpose of man


Does this mean deadlock?

A Different approach?

Some issues that arise from the above questions

Science - Engineering - Religion


Suggested principles for further analysis

"Planned (Engineered) Creative Evolution" versus "Unplanned (Unengineered) Spontaneous Evolution"

Part 3 of the book What is the origin and purpose of man

Evidence in Immediate Physical Environment

Tying up loose ends

Various bits and pieces

Some other considerations regarding creation versus evolution

Soft attributes of human beings

 If all else fails, ask for a "sign"?



The World Before the Flood

The Flood Itself

The World After the Flood

Understanding the Impact of the Flood

Why Millions of Years is Invalid

Flood Videos

Overview of the Flood Videos

Section 1 -- Proof of a Global Flood -- Introduction

Section 2: Gold Mines -- Evidence of Massive Hydraulic Flood Action

Section 3: Layered Sedimentary Rocks -- Evidence of a Global Flood

Section 4: The Halfwayhouse Granite Dome -- Massive Surface Disruption

Section 5: African Erosion Surface -- massive flood cutting action

Section 6: Incised Valley deep in massive Granite -- evidence of massive flood action

Section 7: The REAL Age of all this - a flood as recently as 4,500 years ago?

Section 8: Signs Of Judgment -- Real Mount Sinai and Ten Commandments

Section 9: Where DID the water came from? And where did it go? -- Proof of a Global Flood

Section 10: Summing Up -- Proof of a Global Flood

Section 11: End Notes -- Proof of Global Flood

There is global proof of a global catastrophe which is FAR beyond a "flood"

Evolutionary Creation is the ONLY practical explanation of what exists today


The Spiritual Nature of Sex

Yah Created Sex and it was good

The Virgins Covenant

Sex is a Covenant Act

The One-Flesh Bond

Making Love

Transfer of Demons

Soul Ties


Role of Man

Role of Woman

Monogamy and sexual lovemaking

The Bed is Undefiled

The Joy of Sex

Sex -- Permitted and Prohibited

"Sex Before Marriage"

One Night Stands

Men with Men

Women with Women

Anal Sex

Oral Sex




Sexual Thoughts


Spiritual Separation of Man and Woman

Coping with Sexual Need

The Virgin's Covenant is CRITICAL to understand sex, marriage, adultery and divorce

Men & Women

Men and Women and covenant

The Virgins Covenant

Age to Marry



Cleave is NOT Adhere

Isaiah 4:1

Men and Women and Family


Separation of Man and Woman







Is Polygamy Scriptural?



The Book -- The Scriptural Definition of Marriage, Adultery and Divorce

Preamble and Table of Contents

1: Introduction & Concepts

2: How does scripture define the marriage covenant?

3: What does scripture say about adultery?

4: Scriptural Divorce

5: Is monogamy scriptural?

6: Some other scriptures on marriage issues

7: The Tradition of the Elders and Other heresies

8: Consequences of the Heresy of Monogamy and Related false Doctrines

9: Summary and Conclusion

Appendices A to G

Appendices H to P

Appendices Q to V

Appendices W to Index of Key words

Man and Woman in Harmony

Marriage Strategy

Marriage Teachings

Part 1: The Coming Tribulation

Part 1: The Coming Tribulation


Part 3: Scriptural definition of Marriage, Divorce & Adultery

Part 4: Towards Heaven on Earth in Marriage

Part 5: Practical Application of Marriage Teachings

Part 6: Deliverance

Part 7. Conclusion

The Almighty designed us from the beginning such that one man can covenant with more than one woman, this is evidenced by the seal of virginity

There are seven times as many believing women as men on earth today so most need to remain celibate and single

The Responsibility of Believing men towards single believing women

A Letter to a Single Woman

The need of Single Women for Companionship

The impact of Wild Oats (children from casual sex) on the world today

The truth about Divorce



Yahs Commandments

Contest or Compromise

The Mark of the Beast

This Life


ALL are Seed of Noah

Nearly ALL alive on earth today are Seed of Abraham

Most of those alive today are Seed of Yisrael





Yahoodah {Judah}










Middle East


Babylon / Iraq


United Kingdom

Rest of Europe

North America


Central America and Bahamas

South America




The Curse of Canaan

South Africa


Rest of Africa

The Majority is Always Wrong


Yahoodite = Jew

Thank Yah that the Jews Killed Jesus

The Jews are Yisraelites and NOT Khazars

The Jews are Yisraelites and NOT Seed of Satan

Jews are NOT Ominipotent

Blessed for Relative Faithfulness


The Colour of a Person Tells Nothing About Their Bloodline

The Hammite African Spiritual Dispensation

The Curse of Canaan on many Africans


World Trade Center Demolition

New World Order etc

Do NOT Concern yourself with Conspiracy

Y2K (The Year 2000 Computer Fear) -- What WAS it? -- an immature believes conspiracy theory

The REAL Conspiracy



Annual Volumes





Articles Emailed

Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU

Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty

Where will YOU Spend Eternity?

6010 (2013/4)

6011 (2014/5)

Particularly Important Articles and other Resources

Insights that I have gained into various topics from day to day

Table of Contents of the body of the Website

Articles to 2009 (6005)


List of Articles from 2009

Article Keyword Cloud

Article Categories

Contact Us


The REAL Contest

What IF Satan WINS?

Satanic Dominion

Where are YOU headed for Eternity?

What should YOU do about the direction of your life today?

The ULTIMATE GOAL -- deep personal friendship with the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth

The ULTIMATE SIN -- unbelief -- believing the Almighty Creator does NOT exist -- by default allegiance to Satan

The TRAP to prevent you achieving the goal of deep personal relationship with the Creator -- Jesus, the Bible, the Church and Pastors and other people

If you have questions

Consolidated Volumes of Articles

We are in the process of assembling the articles on this site into annual volumes based on the lunar based cycles prescribed by the Almighty, the following volumes are currently available in Adobe pdf format

The full list of articles is available on the Articles page and also on the listing in this side bar

The documents are formatted for double sided printing

Vol 10 year 6006 from Creation: 29 Mar 2009 to 18 Mar 2010
Vol11 year 6007 from Creation: 18 Mar 2010 to 6 Apr 2011
 The documents are also available in Microsoft Word docx format on the detailed article listing in the side bar
Download the entire website in a format that you can run standalone on your computer with NO Internet connection and keep for future reference
From time to time we make a copy of the entire website in a format that you can download and run standalone on a local computer with NO Internet Connection, the file is about 6 GB in size and requires WinZip to open, click here to download

Important prayers for ALL, for those who have not previously believed and for those who have believed but are now convicted of sin and error

IF you believe that the Almighty Creator exists then take note that He has said of YOU why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great authority, if they do NOT have a deep personal relationship with me and have NOT proven to me that they can be trusted?

IF you believe that the Almighty Creator DOES exist the following are amongst the most important prayers you can pray

Note that the true name of the Almighty Creator is "Yah the eternally self-existing" NOT "The LORD" or "God"

Father Yah, I ask you to help me to overcome to the end that I may be found to  be a "good and faithful servant" on the Day of Judgment

Father Yah I ask you to show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it

Father Yah I ask you to help me to draw MUCH closer to you and to know your will and to do it

Father Yah I ask you to fill me with your Spirit and lead me into ALL truth by your Spirit

Father Yah I give you my life to do with as YOU see fit

Father Yah I ask you to bring the people that YOU want into my life and to take the people that you do NOT want in my life out

Father Yah I ask you to open the doors in my life that YOU want open and to close the doors in my life that YOU want closed

Father Yah I ask you to judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly

There are many other prayers that you can pray but these are amongst the most important

See also the page on developing a close relationship with the Almighty at


Third Party Articles and Articles you do NOT agree with

Most articles on this site are classified with a reference number comprising the year, the month and a sequence number within the month, thus 2013.12.03 is the third article published in December 2013

Most detailed webpages are organized with the most recent articles at the top and the Article List displays with the most recent articles at the top.  Searches on the articles list in the same way

Because I am constantly learning, newer articles will almost certainly be an elaboration or refinement of earlier articles and in some cases may significantly revise what I said in earlier articles, in most cases the later article is likely to be more accurate than earlier articles

In ALL cases Father Yah forbids me to go back and edit or correct articles, He wants YOU to have a close personal relationship with Him and therefore to turn to Him for clarification where things that I write contradict or appear to contradict one another

The articles from 2009 onwards are generally much more reliable than those earlier but there are important articles from the earlier days as well, in particular, the articles written in 2000 onwards were written during a period when my understanding was being radically changed on a very intense basis and when I was also getting closer to the Almighty at a very rapid rate

Accordingly the early articles should be given appropriate prayer, particularly if the later articles contradict or appear to contradict what is written in the early articles

That said Father Yah has said that there is much of value in the earlier articles and that they should, accordingly, remain on the site

Third Party Articles

This site includes some articles from third parties

In such cases Father Yah forbids me to censor, edit or correct such articles but requires me to present them in their entirety with little or no comment, as with the previous point He requires YOU to research and pray and reach your own conclusion regarding what is truth

Inclusion of third party articles does NOT indicate any form of endorsement of the person who wrote the article other than that it is my understanding that the article contains information of importance.  Such inclusion also does NOT imply any endorsement of this ministry by the person whose work is cited

It is up to each one of us to discern the truth for ourselves See the article on Seek Truth NOT Error for more information

Content you do NOT agree with

It is probable that you will find material on this site that you do NOT agree with, there is much that is highly controversial, click HERE for an article that proposes a way of responding to such differences

See also article -- Getting close to Yah -- Appropriate prayer and fasting are VITAL -- the answer to doctrinal differences